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Book Synopsis - God Loves Ugly

DO YOU EVER LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND HATE WHAT YOU SEE? Your eyes can lie. Rejection, shame, and self-hatred can poison perceptions and hinder us from seeing and believing what’s actually true.

In GOD LOVES UGLY Christa Black shares her personal victory against powerful adversaries - her thoughts, feelings, and reflection. From world - touring stadium performer to rehab - bound bulimic binge eater, Christa's unashamed transparency will win your heart, hold your attention, and give you practical tools to overcome the monsters that can consume our lives. She invites the reader into her own painful struggles and spiritual journey, providing solutions to life's problems in a highly entertaining and vulnerable, yet empowering way.

You were made to live free. Whether you are struggling with an eating disorder, depression, addiction, or just feeling a little insecure, GOD LOVES UGLY will shift the way you think, motivate permanent change, and inspire your heart to find peace.