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Every Mission Trip is a Life Changing Experience

On the 25th to 29th of April 2016, the Every Tribe Mission's team had the privilege of ministering in a town called, Alexandra. The students at Beyond Adventure joined us for this period. The way that they opened up to the Spirit of God was a testimony on its own. It was really great to see how God touched and changed those students in a matter of four days and I think it's safe to say that I was also radically changed that week. It is really important to understand that it is impossible for the Holy Spirit to work through you without changing things in you first, just as it is impossible to pour oil in a bottle without finding traces of the oil in the bottle. If there is one thing that I have learnt on this mission trip is that God uses an open vessel, you don't have to be a know it all you just have to believe that what God says in His word is true and He will back His word with signs, and wonders.

My team and I walked into the house of a woman who had a stroke a few years back which resulted in her not being able to speak. This woman lived with her sister who had been taking care of her ever since she fell ill. Once we began to pray for her, the Spirit of God came upon her and all that she could say was "ngegana likayesu" which means, in the Name of Jesus when you translate it to English and she kept saying it over and over without stopping. Seeing that happening before my eyes really was something special and life changing and it took my faith to another level.

Another team came across a girl that could not speak from birth. The team wanted to pray the salvation prayer with her so they prayed that God would loosen her tongue so that she could pray with them. For the first time her mother heard the sound of her voice and on that day she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour. This is what we live for as missionaries, to see the power of God changing lives, and if there is one thing you need to understand, is that God is no respecter of man. What He has done through us, He can do even greater through you. This just requires you to step out and be used by God.

As much as God changed the lives of all the Beyond Adventure students that came on the trip with us that week, He also did a new work within the team, because you have to understand that every mission trip is a life changing experience. You will always find people saying "Lord use me" and all that God requires is for you to step out in faith and He will be with you.

So come on a mission trip with us and experience God changing your life as you touch and change other people's lives through the name of Jesus. Faith without actions is dead, meaning that your words have to be accompanied by actions. So come join us as we change cities, town and nations one soul at a time. ONE GOAL, EVERY SOUL!