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Faith Like Potatoes

As we begin this new Year with a newly named television channel, Faith Broadcasting Network, my heart is rejoicing because simple faith has become so much part of my life and I am feeling that many, many viewers will be encouraged to have faith in God and to believe His Word as they seek His leading and His company on the road they will be walking throughout this year. Some of us will be challenged and others of us will learn again that in Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV) the Word says "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

In 1993, I wrote a book called 'Faith like Potatoes'. I had just returned from travelling the length and breadth of England and Scotland preaching the gospel. I had been away from my family and from our farm for three months and the maize crop I had left young and green in the fields was now harvested and the lands were already being ploughed in preparation for the new season.

I had sat down one day with a pad and pencil and begun to write the story of our lives. It took some months and one evening, as I had nearly completed the closing chapter, I watched on television the life story of Peter Marshall. He was, himself, born in Scotland, later immigrated to America to study, became a pastor and then eventually the personal Chaplin to the U.S.A government, as a relatively young man.

He was an extremely gifted and eloquent speaker and it is said that often, when he preached, students would come and sit in his meetings, not so much to listen to the gospel as to hear the English language spoken clearly and precisely, and beautifully.

It was Peter Marshall who, in trying to describe the type of faith we need to have in our day to day lives, faith that is alive, simple, visible to others and very real, said, after some moments of thought, faith like potatoes. When I heard that I knew that small phrase was to be the title of the book I had nearly finished writing. What I didn't know then, was that "Faith like Potatoes" would travel the world over and that many people would pray the sinner's prayer at the back of the book and find salvation in Jesus Christ. Halleluiah. Thank you Peter Marshall.

I personally believe in these days most people are looking for real, down to earth Christians with whom they can identify. They are looking for Christians who have a simple faith like Smith Wigglesworth, a plumber from Yorkshire in England. He was a man whom God used to perform many miracles of healing and was often heard to say these words "God said it, I believe it and that settles it." He simply believed God's Word.

Jesus said in the gospel of Matthew 9:29 (NKJV) "According to your faith let it be to you."

Smith was a tradesman, yet he loved the Lord God but would not tolerate sin in his life or others. He was known by reputation as a holy man, yet the common folk could identify with him as a fellow workman, a real and down to earth Christian, who had a deep love and faith in God.

I would like to encourage the readers and those of you who watch 'Faith Broadcasting Network' to begin to walk more by faith in this year and not so much by sight. Keep your eyes on Jesus and He will undertake for you, will provide for you and will watch over you and your household. He only requires one thing from us, as His followers, and that is that we would believe Him and not doubt. He is faithful.

God bless you all in this coming year as we endeavour to keep faithfully trusting in Jesus.

Angus Buchan