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It is amazing how we have come to believe and live by the urban myth that things always happen in three's. Or is it really an urban myth? Is there perhaps some truth in it?

I cannot claim that all things in my life happen in three's, but often this is the case. Now you may wonder why I am on about the number three... well, March is the 3rd month of the year, isn't it? By now we have all settled into the 2016 groove, we are past the finance-pinching-recovering-from-Christmas-over-spending January, past the month of where we search out or confirm our love, well into establishing or forgetting those New Year's resolutions, and looking forward to the first break coming up in April.

I know that spiritually I can easily measure my walk with the Lord in roughly 3-month periods. While not a rule, or even consistent, when I look through my prayer journal it seems as if a 3-month cycle is recognizable. More often than not it is a simple shift in direction, or a fresh revelation, or merely some place of Divine discontent. I think it has something to do with the fact that we are created in the image of God, and therefore we are destined to be creative, ever-developing and ever-changing. I think the nature of the human spirit is destined to be changed constantly closer to the "ultimate image" - that of God. So enjoy the 3's in your life, because I think that more than we realize, God's hand is in it - molding, changing, chafing, skimming and polishing away the rough edges so that one day, like a superb diamond, we too can reflect the glory that He made us to carry.

So I wish you all a Merry March!