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From the Editor

During the month of December many magazines will feature Jesus Christ on their covers, simply because of Christmas. I would like to propose that perhaps we should feature Jesus precisely because He has nothing to do with Christmas? It really is quite irrelevant whether or not Jesus actually celebrates a birthday in this month. Besides, how does the One who has no beginning or end celebrate a date on which everything "started?" I suppose the same goes for you and me: we celebrate the day the doctor slapped us on the behind, when our real birthday was when egg and sperm collided in a Divinely inspired moment of "birth!"
No, the real reason that Jesus Christ should be featured is because I believe that everything started with Him, continues with Him, in Him and through Him. Ok, ok, I sense the philosophers and debaters congregating with a wild look in their eyes... with... in... through?


There is no other person more famous than Jesus. In our modern society (with its claim of unheard-of-before tolerance and human rights) no other person is more ridiculed than Jesus Christ. No other person can claim the honour of being both swearword and receiving honoured praise. No other person is more loved... or hated, depending on your perspective. Jesus Christ is the ultimate rebel, non-conformist and troublemaker ever to walk the face of the earth. Yet He is the supreme peacemaker, graciousness personified and love divine. Perhaps this is why He is so controversial: He cannot be easily boxed into a comfortable niche. He simply defies definition.

So I reckon Jesus is the perfect cover personality, when in a month where a world goes mad and gets rich on His fame, certain fraternities celebrate His coming to earth with songs and praise. Despite our belief in calendar days and the accuracy of historians, we can depend on the focus of His attention: to love us without reserve. His life exemplifies that one truth - that we are so important in His eyes that He will move heaven and earth to satisfy our hunger for acceptance and love.

And so I am reminded that heaven came to earth, that the ugliness of a cross became the beauty of a soul, that a Lamb can also be a Lion, and a baby a King. So I raise my voice with a great portion of humanity and say: Happy Birthday!