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Revival Faith

It gives me great pleasure to write this article at the time of the 'birth' of the new television channel 'Faith Broadcasting Network'. When Andre Roebert contacted me, to tell me he has received a Word from God to start this new channel, I was so happy to be able to assure him of my continuing support and prayer. I was also excited about the name of the channel because the Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV) "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

We need faith to believe God for REVIVAL in our country.

John Wesley, the old-time evangelist had a definition of the word revival, "a people saturated with God." It must surely be the prayer of every believer in this continent that God will send revival to Africa. In order for that to take place, however, we need to come to God in faith, not considering our abilities, or our finances, or our contacts as of use, but humbly believing and trusting God for a move of His Spirit.

I have studied revival for over thirty years and have found that every man or woman whom God has used to bring revival to churches, communities and nations have been men and women of Faith.

I think, now, of one man, a revivalist in South Africa, many years ago. His name, Andrew Murray, and he had, in faith, prayed with his Father, for years, that this country would one day see revival. And finally it came.

It was a Friday night when Andrew Murray, himself, was preaching in the Moederkerk in the town centre of Worcester in the Cape, while the young people were meeting down at the evangelical mission church. Suddenly a rushing mighty wind blew through the whole of the mission church. Many young people fell on their faces, some were crying, some laughing as the wind of the Spirit kept blowing. Others were on their knees. The commotion was overheard by one of the elders who was passing by, outside and he ran up to the Moederkerk to call Andrew Murray down to the mission church, where he described the meeting to be in chaos.

Andrew Murray came straight down, still in his silk gown and hat, and called over the youth leader to give him an explanation. His reply was "It is God." Andrew Murray looked at the young people in disbelief and commanded the leader to stop the meeting but what God begins only He can bring to an end. Dominee Murray attempted to get the young people to sing a hymn but when that failed, he turned to leave the church.

This meeting was the beginning of one of the greatest revivals in South Africa, and it all happened when one young Fingo girl stood up in that meeting in the mission church and in faith, asked God to visit them that night, and He did. Revival has come and the amazing thing was, that Andrew Murray himself did not recognize it. We still need to be careful, even in these times, that we do not miss what God is doing.

I believe it is on record, that eighty of those young people became pastors and dominees, taking the gospel all over the platteland of South Africa. That was the time of the founding of the NG Kerk in this country.

I have been, myself, to the mission church and have seen the rafters and the thatching and I must be honest, it really touched my heart. Sadly, the building is now used as a tearoom, which is currently called the 'Pardon Cafe',but still a very appropriate name, for God has pardoned many sinners and many people received salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, in that church over the years.

In later times when Dominee Andrew Murray would lecture the students in the University, young dominees, with tongue in cheek, would say to him, "Please tell us how you tried to stop the revival."

Revival is a God thing, and I thank God for our new television channel that is majoring on faith. Remember Romans 10:17 (NKJV) "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

God bless you as we continue to trust God for revival in South Africa.