Page 18 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 18



                                                                The way businesses buy from one another has changed profoundly in recent years.
                                                                Markets have evolved, disruptive technologies have sprung up and buyers’ expectations
                                                                have changed.
                                                                 But despite this, the fundamentals of business-to-business marketing have remained
                                                                constant: today’s corporate decision-makers still need to know who you are, what you do
                                                                and why you matter to them.

                                                                In Business-to-Business Marketing, Mark Eardley and Charlie Stewart review the basic
                                                                rules of B2B marketing.

                                                                They offer guidance on how to:

                                                                • Motivate your markets to buy from you,
                                                                • How to differentiate yourself from your competitors and
                                                                • Explain which tactics to use to reach your customers with the right

                                                                   messages at the right time.

                                                                Their step-by-step guide will help your marketing effort deliver three critical results –

                                                                • Increased sales,
                                                                • Rising market share and
                                                                • Rock-solid margins.

                                                                Written in straightforward, punchy language with simple,
                                                                practical take outs at the end of each chapter, this is a
                                                                must-have book for anyone involved – in any way at all –
                                                                with attracting and retaining profitable customers.


                                                                                                                           Phobias abound at the Centre for
                                                                                                                           Improved Living, where Nazma goes
                                                                                                                           for help. She’s crazy about baking and
                                                                                                                           desperately wants to become a pastry
                                                                                                                           chef, but her fear of driving keeps
                                                                                                                           her stuck working in a train-station
                                                                                                                           kiosk, where she sells stale food to
                                                                                                                           commuters while dreaming of butter
                                                                                                                           croissants and fresh strudel.

18 | APRIL / MAY 2016  The Centre is also a lifeline for Sam, who is scared to death of being robbed and spends
                       his days in his pyjamas in front of his computer, his house alarm always armed.

                       Like the rest of the patients, Nazma and Sam want to face their fears, but will four weeks
                       at the Centre be enough to change their lives? And will the two allow their budding
                       romance to bloom without letting their phobias get in the way?

                       Meanwhile, the Centre risks losing its funding, a fear that Ruby, the Centre’s eccentric
                       director, must face while she tries to manage the patients’ fears.

                       Set in a Cape Town as peculiar as its characters, The Peculiars is Jen Thorpe’s heart-
                       warming and humorous debut.

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