Page 13 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 13
of faith. When we believed the Word of God, I believe that the gardens of our lives can and will No matter what storm our gardens of life may
which is an incorruptible seed, and received its produce that overwhelming, supernatural peace face, having our hearts secure in God’s word and
truth in our hearts, it produced the faith to re- and rest in our lives when we begin to look past rooted in His love, we will remain secure in His
ceive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. The incor- our troubling circumstances and choose to put presence and produce the peaceful, life giving
ruptible seed of God’s Word, when planted into our focus on Who God is in our lives. Intention- fruit that will bring abundant blessing into a world
the soil of our hearts, always produces life giving, ally placing our eyes on Jesus, causes our spirits to that so desperately needs it.
supernatural faith. The book of Romans teaches soar when we see His unconditional love for us
that we are able to increase and grow our faith, and understand His grace towards us. His power Keeping God’s Word alive in our hearts and re-
every time we hear and receive the Word of God and might are incomparable and His intense de- leasing its power through our words will cause
in our hearts. In other words, the more time we light to see us whole and free and victorious in the gardens of our lives to be bursting with life
invest in meditating and feeding our minds and this life, causes us to stand in awe of His awe- and vitality. And with a spirit of worship and
spirits on the Word of God, the more it affects some presence and simply worship Him. praise continuously on our lips, we will know the
our belief system and produces faith. Keeping peace of God and remain in a place of rest while
God’s Word in our hearts and minds will keep a We may be physically in the same natural realm as His perfect will is accomplished in and through
steady flow of life producing faith in the gardens our problems but when we connect in the Spirit our lives. This is how our gardens grow.
of our lives. in worship, praise and thanksgiving, our hearts
and minds transcend the natural realm right into Worry is a weed that will most certainly choke
Our words of faith produce life! the supernatural presence of God to where the life and faith right out of our lives! That’s why
we are seated in heavenly places with Jesus. A Peter says we are to waste no time in casting it
Another vital tool I believe we possess, to culti- place where we see things from His perspective, right out of our lives and replacing it with the truth
vate and nurture the seeds of life and faith in our where we are already victorious! Directly into of God’s Word!
gardens is our tongues! the throne room of grace where He has prom-
ised to meet us at our point of need. In worship, Psalms 55:22 confirms this: “Cast your burden on
Do you know why? Our tongues dominate our we are no longer bound to our circumstances, the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will
thinking! Our tongues can keep us right in or out they have no power over us, we are in the pres- sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently]
of the blessing of God. It’s not sufficient to just ence of our Covenant Partner, Who has already righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail).”
stop speaking negatively, we actually need to overcome all for us!
release the power and life giving faith of God’s Keeping our lives free from worry is a very im-
Word into the gardens of our lives by declaring When we worship God, we surrender all of who portant part of tending the gardens of our lives.
the truth of God’s Word! we are into His will. We put our complete trust The more we spend time getting acquainted with
in Who He is and what His Word says concerning the truth of God’s Word, we are able to iden-
The way that faith becomes activated to produce us. We don’t worship to receive our healing or tify and differentiate between thoughts that are
life in the gardens of our lives, is when the truth any promise He has already made available to us inspired by faith and thoughts inspired by fear.
we believe in our hearts, from God’s Word, be- by grace. No, we worship as an act of surrender-
comes the words we speak with our mouths. ing our all to Him. We enter the secret place of The Word of God clearly instructs us to be dili-
Simply put, our words must line up with what we the Most High, where we trust Him completely, gent in this regard. We are to keep guard over
believe. When we release our faith filled con- and we receive our rest and assurance that in our minds and hearts and not allow worrisome,
fession into the atmosphere, through our words, Him, we receive that healing and all we will ever fearful thoughts to contaminate the soil of the gar-
it will never return void, but will always accom- need for victory in this life. dens of our lives. Be ever mindful of how your
plish what it was purposed to do! Isaiah 55:11 garden is growing. What a joy it will be to see
says, “So shall My word be that goes forth from That’s what God taught Moses, in the book of how God’s peace and love saturate every part
My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it Exodus. He told Moses that His presence would of it, radiating His mercy and blessing. Happy
shall accomplish what I please.” When we speak go with him and in His presence he would find gardening.
words of faith, the gardens of our lives begin to rest. Not the rest of being idle and doing noth-
flourish with the blessing and life God’s Word ing. The rest of absolute confidence, that no mat- ANDRÉ AND JENNY ROEBERT are the pastors and
promises! ter what, God would sustain him and fulfil every co-founders of River Ministries situated in East London,
promise concerning Him. South Africa, incorporating various ministries, each
Our Worship produces peace and rest! geared to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the
When we worship the Lord and allow ourselves nations of this world.
One of the greatest blessings we receive when to see things from this perspective, peace comes For more info visit:
enjoying a walk in a beautiful garden, is the over- - that fearless confidence that cannot be shaken!
whelming sense of peace and rest.
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