Page 17 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 17

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       THE END OF ME                    WICKED WOMEN OF                     OUT OF DARKNESS                       THE ENTITLEMENT CURE
         Kyle Idleman                                                         Stormie Omartian                        Dr John Townsend
                                               THE BIBLE
 SMS the keyword -                                                        SMS the keyword -                      SMS the keyword -
 “End” followed by                           Ann Spangler                 “Darkness” followed                    “Cure” followed

 your name and address to              SMS the keyword -                  by your name and address                by your name and address to
                                       “Wicked” followed by
 32697 to enter.*                                                         to 32697 to enter.*                    32697 to enter.*
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Are you sometimes perplexed with                                         Stormie tells her compelling story      Finding Success In Doing Hard
Jesus’s teaching? Do you really        32697 to enter. *                 of a childhood marred by physical       Things the Right Way
want what he wants? Bestselling                                          and emotional abuse that eventu-
author Kyle Idleman reveals that       What can Jezebel, the Bible’s     ally led her into the occult, drugs,    Today we live and work in a cul-
the key to the abundant life Jesus     most devious queen, reveal        and tragic relationships.               ture that says, “My life should
promised lies in embracing His         about God’s holiness and                                                  be easy and work well for me.”
inside-out way of life.                power and even about his          Finding herself overwhelmed by          This attitude of entitlement in-
                                       sense of humor? What about        fear and on the verge of suicide,       fluences our most important
As he examines Jesus’s Sermon on       the woman at the Well—the         she shares the turning point that       institutions: family, business,
the Mount, Kyle unpacks the many       one with five husbands and a      changed her life and reveals the        church, and government.
counter-intuitive truths, including:   live-in lover? And what of the    healing process that brought
brokenness is the way to whole-        prostitute whose tears bathe      freedom and wholeness beyond            It comes down to this: People
ness, mourning is the path to          the feet of Jesus in front of     what she ever imagined.                 are not getting to where they
blessing, and emptiness is required    people who despise her?                                                   want to go, because they don’t
in order to know true fullness. Ulti-                                    In this poignant drama, there is        know how to do life the Hard
mately you will discover how Jesus     There are also “wicked good”      help and hope for anyone who            Way. Their entitlement keeps
transforms you as you begin to live    women like Deborah, Ruth,         has been scarred by the past or         them from tackling challenges
out these paradoxical principles.      Hannah, Abigail, Esther, Mary,    feels imprisoned by deep emo-           and finding success.
Because only when you come to          and more. What do their lives     tional needs. It is a glorious story
the end of yourself can you begin      tell us about God’s invincible    of how God can bring life out of        This book provides principles
to experience the full, blessed, and   love and his determined plan      death, life out of darkness.            and tools for change. It teaches
whole life Jesus offers.               to save us?                                                               people the skills of learning to
                                       In Wicked Women of the Bible      Stormie wrote about some of the         tackle and resolve matters that
                                       Ann Spangler tells the stories    things that happened during the         are difficult, rather than avoid-
                                       of twenty wicked and “wicked      first thirty-five years of her life     ing them, giving up too quickly,
                                       good” women in greater detail.    in a book called STORMIE that           or hoping someone else will do
                                       At the end of each story, Ann     was published in 1986. The fol-         it for them. The habits gleaned
                                       provides a brief section includ-  lowing thirty-seven years after         from this book will lead to suc-
                                       ing additional historical and     that point to the present day, is all   cess in the reader’s relation-
                                       cultural background as well as    new, much of which she has not          ships, finances, self-care, and
                                       a brief Bible study in order to   spoken about publicly before. She       work.
                                       enhance the book’s appeal to      feels the entire story should be
                                       both individuals and groups.      told in order to prove that once
                                                                         you recognize the darkness for
                                       The stories of these women of     what it is, it is possible to walk out
                                       the Bible reveal a God who is     of it and in to the light for the rest
                                       not above it all but who stoops   of your life.
                                       down to meet us where we are
                                       in order to extend his love and

* SMS cost R1.50 per entry. Competition opens on 1 April 2016 and closes 31 May 2016 and is open to SA Residents only.


There is no limit to the amount of entries by any person. Each SMS received is automatically put into the draw which will take place on the first Fri-
day of the new calendar month. No single person may receive a free giveaway in three consecutive months. No employees of the River Corporation
or its affiliates are eligible to receive any of the prizes through the SMS line. The prize winners will be published in myFaith Magazine and prizes
will be posted free of charge. No correspondence will be entered into at all with any of the entrants concerning the awarding of prizes.

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