Page 16 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 16

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 25 QUESTIONS YOU’RE                  HOW TO HAVE THAT                           OUR MOTHERS,                    YOUR BEST DESTINY
 AFRAID TO ASK ABOUT                        DIFFICULT                              OURSELVES                         Wintley Phipps
LOVE, SEX AND INTIMACY                                                                                              with James Lund
                                        CONVERSATION                         Dr Henry Cloud and Dr
                                                                                                                SMS the keyword -
SMS the keyword -                     SMS the keyword -                     SMS the keyword -                   “Best”followed
“Questions” followed by               “Difficult” followed by               “Mothers”
                                                                                                                by your name and address to
your name and address to              your name and address to              followed by your name and
                                                                                                                32697 to enter.*
32697 to enter.*                      32697 to enter.*                      address to 32697 to enter.*
                                                                                                                When you imagine what it
Whether you are married or sin-       Successful people confront well.     No one has influenced the per-       would take for your life to be
gle, having great sex or no sex,      They know that setting healthy       son you are today like your          truly great—for you to be-
your sexuality is inseparable         boundaries improves relation-        mother. The way she handled          come your best, most fulfilled
from your spirituality.               ships and can solve important        your needs as a child has shaped     self—do you dream of some-
                                      problems. They have discov-          your worldview, your relation-       thing more than what you have
Many Christian women are con-         ered that uncomfortable situa-       ships, your marriage, your career,   now? More money . . . more at-
fused and even devastated by the      tions can be avoided or resolved     your self-image—your life. Our       tention . . . more significance?
area of sexuality. In the silence of  through direct conversation. But     Mothers, Ourselves can help you      What you may be missing is
the church, they are left to sort     most of us don’t know how to         identify areas that need reshap-     the one thing that actually
through harrowing experiences         have difficult conversations, and    ing, to make positive choices for    gives your life ultimate value,
like sexual abuse, exposure to        we see confrontation as scary or     personal change, and to establish    meaning, and purpose.
porn, raging temptation, homo-        adversarial.                         a mature relationship with Mom
sexual thoughts, and betrayal in                                           today.                               Your Best Destiny helps you
marriage—all on their own.            Authors Henry Cloud and John         Drs. Henry Cloud and John            find it through a highly insight-
Having nowhere to go to ask the       Townsend take the principles         Townsend steer you down a path       ful personal assessment tool
hard questions about sexual-          from their bestselling book,         of discovery and growth beyond       that will reveal eight keys God
ity can be spiritually dangerous.     Boundaries, and apply them to a      the effects of six common mom        has placed deep within you
Women need the truth.                 variety of the most common dif-      types:                               to unlock your true character
                                      ficult situations and relationships  •	 The Phantom Mom                   and help you become who you
In 25 Questions You’re Afraid to      in order to:                         •	 The China Doll Mom                were born to be.
Ask About Love, Sex, and Inti-                                             •	 The Controlling Mom
macy, Dr. Juli Slattery addresses     •	 Show how healthy confron-         •	 The Trophy Mom                    In this rich and encouraging
some of the most common ques-               tation can improve relation-   •	 The Still-the-Boss Mom            book, Wintley Phipps—pastor,
tions women have on sexuality               ships                          •	 The American Express Mom          recording artist, and founder
from a biblical perspective, such                                                                               of the U.S. Dream Academy,
as:                                   •	 Present the essentials of         You’ll learn how your mom af-        the organization Oprah Win-
                                            a good boundary-setting        fected you as a child and may still  frey honored with the Oprah
•	 What if I don’t like sex?                conversation                   be affecting you today. And you’ll   Winfrey Angel Network “Use
•	 If I’m single, how far is too                                           find a realistic and empowering      Your Life” Award—shares what
                                      •	 Provide tips on preparing for     approach to filling your unmet       he has learned (sometimes
      far?                                  the conversation               mothering needs in healthy, life-    the hard way) about what it
•	 Is ___ok in the bedroom?                                                changing ways through other          takes to become “the best me
•	 How do I get past my               •	 Show how to tell people           people.                              I can be.” Join him as he leads
                                            what you want, stop bad be-    Our Mothers, Ourselves is a          you on a path to change your
      shame?                                haviour, and deal with coun-   biblical route to wholeness and      focus from what you have and
•	 What if I want sex more than             terattack                      growth, to deeper and more           do to who you are. Start today
                                                                           satisfying bonds with your fam-      on the path to a truly great life,
      my husband does?                •	 Give actual examples of           ily, friends, and spouse—and to a    and step into your God-given
                                            conversations to have with     new, healthier way of relating to    destiny. (Includes an access
These are the type of questions             your spouse, your date, your   your mother today.                   code to the Your Best Destiny
that thousands of women have                kids, your co-worker, your                                          Personal Assessment Tool to
been asking Dr. Slattery. She               parents, and more!                  Giveaways courtesy of           reveal your personal strengths
answers them with rare candor,                                                  Christian Art Distributors      and areas for growth.)
grace, and wisdom.                    Full of practical tips and how-
                                      tos, this book will help you make                                         
We desperately need God’s per-        your relationships better, deepen
spective on sexuality. And fortu-     your intimacy with people you
nately, the Bible has a lot to say    care for, and cultivate more love,
on the topic. Some of it might        understanding, and respect be-
surprise you.                         tween you and others.

16 | APRIL / MAY 2016
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