Page 11 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 11

started to sell building materials and equipment. “I was able to hire two                         You can help strengthen
Christian brothers to help me with the shop, so I’m practically free and                          Christian communities in
available for the pastoral ministry within the church now,” Abdul said when                       the face of persecution and
Open Doors recently paid him a follow-up visit.                                                   harassment in Central Asia
Before, Abdul doubted God’s calling because he had no way of providing
for his family... Today, as God graciously chose to use Open Doors as an                          Please detach this debit order form and mail it to:
instrument of His encouragement and provision, Pastor Abdul continues                             Open Doors/Geopende Deure
to shepherd his flock and to teach the Word of God in one of the most                             Freepost No. JHZ-1819
restrictive regions for Christians in the world today.                                            Cresta, 2118, (No stamp required.)

In most Central Asian countries, religious groups, like Christians, are                           Name:________________________________
closely monitored by their governments and church raids, arrests and                              Surname:______________________________
fines are at the order of the day.                                                                Contact number:________________________
                                                                                                  Account holder’s name:__________________
HOW OPEN DOORS HELPS TO STRENGTHEN THE                                                            ______________________________________
CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY IN CENTRAL ASIA                                                               Bank:_________________________________
Open Doors endeavours to strengthen persecuted believers to remain                                Branch code:___________________________
strong in the faith amidst persecution and harassment. In Central                                 Type of account:
Asia, Open Doors provides persecuted believers with support through                                Cheque  Transmission  Savings
microloans so they can become self-sufficient; relief and emergency aid                           Account number:_______________________
when needed; community development and vocational and business                                    Amount:_______________________________
training. These projects are always linked to a local church, which                               Amount in words:_______________________
encourages accountability and an opportunity to strengthen the Church                             ______________________________________
as a whole in the region.                                                                         Date account should be debited:
                                                                                                   1st  17th
                                     *Representative names and image used for security purposes.  Debit order effective from:________________
                                                                                                  My contribution should go towards:
                                                                                                   Central Asia  Where needed most
                                                                                                  Authorised signature:


                                                                                                  For once off donations to Open Doors,
                                                                                                  please see our bank details:
                                                                                                  Name: Open Doors
                                                                                                  Bank: Absa Bank Northcliff
                                                                                                  Branch Code: 632005
                                                                                                  Account Number: 160 340 568 (Current)
                                                                                                  Reference Number: MF1604

                                                                                                        T +27 11 888 9341 | F +27 11 888 9362
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