Page 12 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 12


Part 2


Little can compare to a peaceful stroll through a       us to be vigilant and on the lookout for things,      Every promise concerning us in the Word of
beautiful garden. When vibrant colours and fra-         like harboured offences and unforgiveness, that       God, every spiritual gift and the complete work of
grances are blended in with the fresh outdoors          can steal our peace and joy and cripple our life      the cross has already been secured and accom-
air, it makes for a tranquil yet exhilarating, sensory  giving faith.                                         plish by Christ Jesus. By His grace, we can live
feast!                                                                                                        in the fullness of His blessing and freedom from
                                                        Now, just as important as ridding our gardens of      every work of the enemy. However, scripture
The Bible often likens our lives to being gardens,      harmful weeds, is the process of nurturing life giv-  clearly teaches that the way we live out that full-
designed and destined to produce healthy, life          ing seeds!                                            ness of life is through faith. Remember, by grace
giving fruit and beautiful attributes that constantly                                                         it has been made available for us, through faith in
showcase God’s glory at work in our lives.              God’s Word in our hearts produces faith!              Christ Jesus, we walk in the reality of the blessing
                                                                                                              (Romans 5:2 and Ephesians 2:1).
Just like any garden on earth, the gardens of our       I believe, that the most vital tool we possess to
lives, being our hearts and minds, need constant        cultivate and nurture the seeds of life and faith in   If you understand the powerful force of faith,
nurturing and care. Neglect to pull out weeds           our gardens is to keep God’s Word planted in          you will know that firstly, it is the currency of the
that have the power to choke and destroy life giv-      our hearts.                                           kingdom of God. Without faith it is impossible
ing seedlings, can result in our gardens becoming                                                             to receive the finished work of the cross in our
lifeless, barren and dry wastelands. That’s why                                                               daily lives. According to God’s Word, at the point
the Word of God constantly reminds and warns                                                                  of salvation, every believer is granted a measure

12 | APRIL / MAY 2016                                                                               
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