Page 22 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 22
By Waldo Malan
I am sure that the definition of “city” has changed Fact is, we have both experiences as valid realities being one. Another example is that God compares
dramatically over the history of man. Have you in the lives of people. Now whether one stays in the Bride of Christ to a city, more specifically the
ever wondered (like I do), about what city it was a village or in a city, the way life is experienced New Jerusalem by name. So if all we live and
that Cain fled to after murdering his brother Abel? in that setting is still determined by the people experience has its roots in the spiritual (a theme
I mean, logically it seems that at the time there themselves. Could there be a better quality of life we’ve explored in previous issues) then could we
was Adam, Eve and their two sons; at least, those in a rural environment as opposed to city life? The learn to find peace and security in the madness of
are the characters from the history of mankind accessibility of retail items in cities far outweighs life that is associated with urban living? We can
that we had met until then. So, what city is the the rural counterparts. But then again, what is life also find comparisons between the way we beau-
Bible writer referring to? Perhaps the drama that really about – quality of life or the amassing of tify our living spaces (and our urban experiences)
played itself out in the murder of Abel happened stuff? and the way we take care of our spiritual man.
some hundred odd years after the closure of the
Garden? Even then that city could not have been Walk into any travel agency and the majority of No matter how we look at the places we inhabit,
huge by any stretch of the imagination. offerings are destinations to major cities around both positive and negative experiences will form
the world. There are travel options to more re- part of that life; the crux of the matter being in
What I find even more intriguing is that Cain fled mote areas, but these seem to be far less when which choices, and how those choices are made!
to the city because he believed somehow that it compared to urban travel. Why is this so? Could it
would provide him with the safety he needed at be that our cultural and historical collections are We stand at the beginning of a new month full
that time. Today, nothing has changed. People by far and large housed in cities? of potential and promise, and we have a unique
‘flee’ daily from the perceived insignificant rural opportunity to make a difference in the places we
life to exchange it for the promised glamour and Let me get back to Cain for a moment, and the fact call home. These opportunities include the ability
success of the urban life. Once there, they soon that he sought refuge in a city. Cities have always to make choices that will benefit or harm those
realize that the tranquillity of a rural life have as- been associated with strength, safety and the col- who share our space. This places a great respon-
pects that far outweigh the frantic rat-race men- lective efforts of mankind. Even at spiritual level sibility on our shoulders… are you brave enough
tality often associated with city life. cities are equated with strongholds and beauty. to embrace this?
Examples abound in Scripture, the “City of David”
22 | APRIL / MAY 2016