Page 26 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 26



More than two billion people (world population 7 billion) have no access to essential surgical care and this causes immense and unnecessary
suffering to individuals, families, communities, countries and continents. This lack of essential surgery, apart from the functional suffering, kills more
people per year than HIV-AIDS, TB and Malaria together. It destroys the economic potential of individuals and countries. Tertius has been volunteer-
ing full time with the organization Mercy Ships International, Operation Smile and The Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons since 2006 to
help relieve this enormous burden that destroys lives. These organizations reach out to the forgotten poor with a message of hope and show them
by word and action that each human life is valuable, important and certainly not forgotten. They restore dignity and self-respect while physical and
spiritual healing takes place.

Since 2014 Tertius has undertaken three bicycle tours in Europe, South Africa and the USA to raise funds and to raise awareness for this cause. The
USA tour was the longest and most recent tour to date; from New York to San Francisco. Not in a straight line but in the shape of two smiles over a 4
000 mile/ 6 500 km distance in June/July 2015, hence the ‘Cycle Miles for Smiles’ campaign; to put smiles on people’s hearts and faces. It is estimat-
ed that approximately 12 million people were reached with this message through television, radio, the written media and talks at hospitals, churches
and various public opportunities. More here:

The fourth cycle tour on this global mission is planned from Amsterdam through Belgium to the UK and Ireland, and back to Amsterdam from 2 May
to 27 May 2016 to continue to raise funds for this work, to raise awareness of the surgical need of the poor as well as to talk about the opportunities
for individuals and organizations to get involved and help tackle this huge need that is within our reach to make a difference..

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