Page 23 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 23


                                                            DAY 352

As we enter the rainy season we are experiencing some minor delays, but nonetheless we see the work progressing steadily. The South-west
portion of the new dome structure continues to take shape before our eyes and we anticipate that completion soon! The shape of the structure is
becoming more and more obvious, not only to those of us who walk the construction site nearly daily, but also for the thousands of commuters that
pass the building every day. Recently someone made a comment, questioning the reason behind the project and calling it a monstrosity erected to
the glory of man. Well, nothing could be further from the truth! Firstly, it’s simply a new roof, albeit a rather large one! The roof is a necessity since
the old structure was presenting a health hazard as well as presenting a danger to the occupants. Having said that, we know that God can even make
donkeys talk; so we know that nothing is a “merely” or “simply” when God is involved! While for us it is may merely be a roof, for God it has to do
with the function of the structure. What will the completed project be able to accomplish for the Kingdom, and how will it be able to convey the love
of God to people all over the world? And this is the part where we “buy” into the vision of God, when He inspires us by the Holy Spirit and makes
His vision ours by changing our hearts. This “mere roof” is over a facility that will be broadcasting the message of love and hope to the whole world!
We also realise that without the faithful support of our partners and the teams at “ground-zero” the vision would never have been adopted and the
project would never have progressed to where it is today.

The budget is currently 7,5% short of the final goal that translates to R 2 250 094 of the total project budget of R30 million! We believe in God’s
bigger plan in making this a soul-saving facility! The support for God’s vision has been overwhelming. The team of Faith Broadcasting is extremely
privileged to have so many like-minded people at their side and is honoured to call them friends! We praise God for such faithful partners. There are
daily calls and emails from people all over the world who are pledging support, both in prayer and finances, for the Faith Dome project. We know
that God commands His blessing where there is unity, and so together and united we believe to see the project complete.

We bear testimony to the fact that God always provides necessary resources when He gives a vision to accomplish anything for His Kingdom. Our
vision is plain and simple - Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold namely:
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you (Matthew 28:19-20 MSG). This is the exact mandate
of Faith Broadcasting Network and its partners! Thank you again for heeding the voice of Christ and partnering with us to make this commission a
reality. Thank you for your continued support of this vision in prayer and finances - we value your partnership greatly!

                    PARTNERSHIP WALL

Our Partnership Wall has grown tremendously since we introduced it in 2015. The reason behind the wall is that you all know us by face, yet there
are very few of you that we know by face! In order for us to put a name to a face we have embarked, and continue to expand our Partnership Wall.
If you are a partner with us, please consider sending us a photograph of yourself; you can do so by email, Facebook, Twitter or even using the postal
service! Send your best photo, so ‘selfies’ won’t really work!Your photograph will receive a place of honour on the Partnership Wall and we will
regularly feature it in our programmes. It is a point of connection for us so we would love you to be a part of this.If you are not already a partner, it is
as easy as 2 clicks… go to, click on “PARTNER CONNECT”, fill in the form, attach your photograph and click on “SEND”.

Our latest project is an electronic PARTNERSHIP VIDEO WALL, whereby we can build one another in the faith and bring glory to the name of God.
Watch your favourite channel, or log on to our website or Facebook for the details. In essence, we are asking all our partners to send us a short video
(15-60 seconds) on Facebook testifying to God’s goodness in their lives, sharing a favourite Scripture, or simply telling us about the impact of the tele-
vision channel in their lives. Take part today and share the awesome interventions by God in your life! Send your clips to:

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