Page 30 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 30


                       BY ESTHER SAUNDERS

                                                                                            Dear Lord Jesus,
                                                                                    thank You for keeping me safe
                                                                                  and secure. Help me to continually
                                                                                keep my focus and abide in You so that

                                                                                      I may always be protected.

Jazz and I heard an old story told in a very new way the other day. We          Guess what? You are fantastic, unique, beautiful and wonderful in every
were at Sunday school and the teacher asked us who Noah was. “Noah?”            way! That’s what God says about you in His word. You are a cool kid.
We all laughed, “from the ark?” Of course we know him. He is the man            What’s even cooler is obeying God and seeing the awesome results
who everybody thought was mad when God gave him the instruction                 of that obedience. So what if the other kids are not listening to their
to build the ark. Even his family didn’t believe him but he trusted God         teacher? They won’t get an A grade pass. So what if your friends are us-
and obeyed Him even though it seemed silly. Because of his obedience            ing bad words? It will bring embarrassment and shame to their parents,
Noah, his family and all the animals were saved when the great flood            and makes your parents proud when you are respectful and polite.
came. I’m sure they were all very happy that he did what God said even
though nobody believed in him. I’m sure they were thankful that some-           God had an amazing plan for Noah. Even after thousands of years you
one was listening to God and not just doing their own thing.                    and I are still talking about him today. Imagine being that famous just
                                                                                because you followed God’s instructions. God has an amazing plan for
Our teacher told us that when people tell the story about Noah they             each and every one of us. The Bible says He has plans to prosper us, to
always focus on the rainbow at the end, the important promise that God          give us hope and a bright future. All God requires is our obedience.
would never send a flood to wipe out all of mankind ever again. It’s an
important part, right. But what is equally important is the fact that Noah      Easy peezy!
was different. He wasn’t going with the crowd. He followed God no
matter what, and just look at the results. My grandmother always sings          So don’t ever let anyone look down on you for being different. You are
the song ‘just trust and obey for there is no other way’. It’s difficult to go  perfect and created in God’s image. Just wait and see what amazing story
against what everybody else is doing even when you know what they               God will write in your life if you follow His commandments.
are doing is wrong. You don’t want to be left out or unpopular. You want
to be part of the cool kids.                                                    .

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