Page 32 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 32

DSTV CHANNEL 341                                                      FAMILY OF NETWORKS

APR 2016                                                          


SPONSORED BY HATIKVA FILMS                       19:00       

KILIMANJARO:                                     THE FORSAKEN PROMISE         THE FORSAKEN PROMISE
PROJECT RELOCATION                               (EPISODES 1 & 2)             (EPISODE 3)
CELEBRATION MINISTRIES                           PG16                          PG16
7 APRIL                                          21 APRIL                      28 APRIL

Ps Tom Deuschle of Celebration Ministries,       WARNING! This documentary contains images          of those events, participants in them, or eye-wit-
Zimbabwe together with climbers from around      from the Holocaust and other atrocities which      nesses to them, including the Late Derek Prince.
the world teamed up to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro     some viewers may find distressing and of-          Its purpose is to stir up repentance in Britainfor
(19,341ft.) in an effort to help raise money to  fensive.                                           the nation’s reneging of the Balfour Declara-
relocate 60 orphans in rural Zimbabwe.                                                              tion - the forsaken promise - and obstructing
                                                 A three part documentary series about the British  the purposes of God in the restoration of Israel.
                                                 Mandate period between 1918 and 1948 in the        There are many church leaders in Britain who are
                                                 territory then known as Palestine. This series     crying out for the restoration of God’s favour and
                                                 highlights a number of tragic events that took     blessing upon this country, and there are some
                                                 place during the Mandate period, mainly through    who believe that the Lord has not forgotten our
                                                 the testimonies of those who were either victims   spiritual heritage as a Christian Nation.


QUICK STUDY WITH  11:00                          THE REVOLUTION TV
ROD HEMBREE                                      MONDAY
MONDAY - FRIDAY                                  15:30

 Hosted by Rod, Janice, Ryan Hembree and         The Revolution TV is the flagship in-depth         ing artists and athletes of faith. The couple travel
 CorieHembree-Bobechko, this daily 30            interview program of Revolution Media              seeking sold-out Believers whose music talent
 minute program guides viewers through the       Ministries, Inc.,                                  have crossed into the mainstream and athletic
 Bible in one year. It will change the way you                                                      professional levels. Over the years The Revolu-
 see the past, present and future.               President and Founder Jorge Vazquez and wife       tion has featured bands such as Skillet, Flyleaf,
                                                 Kathryn personally host the show interview-        TobyMac, NFL Superbowl Champion David Tyree,
32 | APRIL / MAY 2016                                                                               LeCrae, Switchfoot, and Montell Jordan to name
                                                                                                    a few. However the founders are quick to point
                                                                                                    out a key distinction for this in-depth interview
                                                                                                    show “The Revolution is not about a talent show…
                                                                                                    it’s about a generation driven to see the return of
                                                                                                    the King of Kings.”

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