Page 33 - MyFaith Mag April - May web 2016
P. 33

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                         18:30

A LETTER TO DAD                                 THE SABER                                            THE GOOD BOOK
DRAMA - PG13                                    DRAMA - PG13                                         DRAMA - PG13
8 APRIL                                         22 APRIL                                             29 APRIL

Based on a true story, A Letter to Dad is a     Cadet Cameron O’Connor, class leader and               A tiny New Testament passes through the hands of
touching story of how faith and love can over-  computer whiz-kid, succumbs to the lure of             14 strangers. For 7 of them, their lives will never be
come a lifetime of pain and anger.              Internet pornography, losing what he deems             the same. Daniel is separated from his family due to
                                                most precious - his relationship with Allison and      his careless mistake. Alex and his wife Marion must
                                                his future at the Military Academy. A crisis of faith  trust God to fill the gaping hole in their lives. Sarah
                                                leads to his only hope.                                deals with homelessness and rejection by society.
                                                                                                       Ruth has no problems accepting others until she
                                                                                                       too, is scorned. Leah must cope not only with her
                                                                                                       husband’s alcoholism, but now with her daughter’s
                                                                                                       lawless behaviour. Caleb encounters ultimate per-
                                                                                                       secution for his faith. Each is hurting, but each finds
                                                                                                       solace in The Good Book.

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                            


WAITING FOR                               HIDING IN PLAIN                        THE PLEDGE                                  UNEXPECTED PLACES
BUTTERFLIES                               SIGHT
DRAMA - PG16                              DRAMA - PG13                           DRAMA - PG13                                DRAMA - PG16
9 APRIL                                   16 APRIL                               23 APRIL                                    30 APRIL

A grandmother’s dying wish be-            What would you do if you lost eve-     Hedderman is a typical, self-centered       Cody is a troubled son who continues
comes the catalyst for healing and        rything? The answer is a grim reality  16-year-old. His motto: If it doesn’t have  making bad choices into adult life.
forgiveness in a once-divided family.     for Darius and Josey Blackmon. A       to do with him, why should he care?         Watching his descent causes his
They learn that God works miracles        hardworking couple plagued by bad      However, when Tory is caught vandaliz-      mother Pam almost unbearable grief.
through the unexpected people he          luck and tough circumstances, they     ing a statue of a WWI Vet, he is ordered    Mother and son hit rock bottom to-
puts in our lives.                        watched their middle-class lifestyle   to perform community service at a local     gether. Cody struggles with addiction
                                          crumble away as unemployment           veteran’s home where he comes face          and crime while Pam is affected in all
This is an inspiring movie about                                                 to face with those who teach him about      the relationships in her life includ-
waiting to see what God does with         took its brutal toll…                  the sacrifices that have been made for      ing her marriage and her work. Her
the difficult tests and trials we go                                             our country. “The Pledge” is an uplifting   faith is shaken and she feels more
through. Just as butterflies follow the                                          family drama that features footage          alone than ever. She is hanging by a
cocoons, God brings forth gold from                                              of real-life vets sharing thoughts on       thread, thanks in part to the support
the testing of our faith. In this movie,                                         patriotism, freedom and the attitudes       from her prayer group. There is an
John Archer takes his niece Lila out                                             of today’s generation towards the true      amazing journey for mother and
for ice cream but he receives a phone                                            price of freedom.                           son concluding with God interven-
call when they arrive at the parlor.                                                                                         ing and opening both their eyes to
He sends his niece in by herself, but                                                                                        redemption and restoration. This film
a robbery is taking place at that exact                                                                                      will speak powerfully to parents or
moment. Tragedy follows and Ra-                                                                                              anyone agonizing over their loved
chel, Lila’s mother, refuses to forgive                                                                                      ones making poor decisions. This
John. On top of this, Rachel’s mother                                                                                        story, loosely based on true life
is dying of cancer and Rachel feels                                                                                          events, demonstrates miraculously
that she can’t take any more on her                                                                                          that what is impossible for man is
full plate of suffering.                                                                                                     possible for God.

CL                                                                                                            APRIL / MAY 2016 | 33
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