Page 23 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
P. 23

COMPLETED PHASES                                                        PARTNERSHIP WALL

• Vacating of Studio A (old) and removal of all broadcast equipment.    Our Partnership Wall has grown tremendously since we intro-
• Renovation of Studio B as the interim main broadcast studio.          duced it in 2015. The reason behind the wall is that you all know
• Removal of ±100% of the old wooden floor and shuttering put in        us by face, yet there are very few of you that we know by face!
                                                                        In order for us to put a name to a face we have embarked, and
  place.                                                                continue to expand our Partnership Wall. If you are a partner
• Casting of ±98% of the new concrete floor now completed and           with us, please consider sending us a photograph of yourself;
                                                                        you can do so by email, Facebook, Twitter or even using the
  shuttering in place for the last sections.                            postal service! Send your best photo, so ‘selfies’ won’t really
• New steel girders and beams put on to the floor, ready for erection;  work!Your photograph will receive a place of honour on the
                                                                        Partnership Wall and we will regularly feature it in our pro-
  some structures already bolted into place.                            grammes. It is a point of connection for us so we would love
• Removal of old asbestos roof (roughly 90% has already been            you to be a part of this.

  removed)                                                              If you are not already a partner, it is as easy as 2 clicks… go to
• All Oregon floorboards and beams are lifted and removed     , click on “PARTNER CONNECT”, fill in the form,
• Casting of concrete floor                                             attach your photograph and click on “SEND”.
• The erection of the 7 centre beams to support the roof
• The erection of the side support structures and centre ring beam
• Portions of the seating tiers are already in place
• Portions of the galvanised gutters are fixed in place
• A new supporting wall has been built on the East side of Studio A

PHASES TO BE COMPLETED [ January – March 2016]

• Erection of supporting roof trusses
• Completion of tiered seating structure
• The cladding of the Faith Dome
• Waterproofing of entire roof/wall areas
• Completion of the gutters

PHASE 2 [April 2016 onwards]

• Carpeting
• Chairs to be installed on tiers
• Construction of stage and storage areas
• Installation of sound, light and video equipment
• Building of main set for studio broadcasts
• Installation of sprinkler system
• Construction of bathroom facilities
• Installation of video wall for stage & roof display
• Finishing of 100-seater Partners Prayer Chapel
• Finishing of VIP Lounge for visiting speakers and artists
• Building and painting of enclosing walls

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