Page 24 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
P. 24


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THE BAXTERS TAKE ONE                  DAUNTLESS                            A COMPASSIONATE CALL                       #STRUGGLES
     Karen Kingsbury                 Dina L. Sleiman                        TO COUNTER CULTURE                       Craig Groeschel

SMS the keyword -                    SMS the keyword -                     SMS the keyword -                   SMS the keyword -
“Baxters” followed by                “Dauntless” followed                  “Call”                              “Struggle” followed by

your name and address to             by your name and address to           followed by your name and           your name and address to

32697 to enter.*                     32697 to enter.*                      address to 32697 to enter.*         32697 to enter.*

Is it possible to beat the odds and  Where Legend and History Col-         Welcome to the front lines. Eve-    We all love the benefits of tech-
make a movie unlike anything         lide, One Young Woman Will            rywhere we turn, battle lines are   nology and social media, but even
ever done before? Or, will they      Fight for the Innocent                being drawn―traditional mar-        with the incredible upsides, many
lose everything in the process?                                            riage vs. gay marriage, pro-life    of us suspect there are unintended
                                     Born a baron’s daughter, Lady         vs. pro-choice, personal freedom    negative consequences that are
Two unknown producers struggle       Merry Ellison is now an enemy         vs. governmental protection.        beyond our control. We’ve lost
to fulfil their dreams to change     of the throne after her father’s      Seemingly overnight, culture        perspective, even perhaps our-
lives through the power of film.     failed assassination attempt          has shifted to the point where      selves.
With millions of investors’ dol-     upon the king. Bold and uniquely      right and wrong are no longer       In this relevant and life-changing
lars on the line, everything starts  skilled, she is willing to go to any  measured by universal truth but     new book, New York Times best-
to fall apart and they realize they  lengths to protect the orphaned       by popular opinion. And as diffi-   selling author and pastor of Life-
may be in over their heads.          children of her former village--a     cult conversations about homo- Craig Groeschelencour-
                                     group that becomes known as           sexuality, abortion, and religious  ages readers who are hungry to
Could they change the world—         “The Ghosts of Farthingale For-       liberty continue to inject them-    regain control over their lives and
before the world changes them?       est.” Merry finds her charge more     selves into our workplaces, our     put Christ first again. He walks
Filmmakers Chase Ryan and Keith      difficult as their growing noto-      churches, our schools, and our      them though biblical values that all
Ellison left the mission field of    riety brings increasing trouble       homes, Christians everywhere        Christ followers know are essen-
Indonesia for the mission field      their way.                            are asking the same question:       tial, but are even more important
of Hollywood with a dream big-                                             How are we supposed to re-          for the maxed out, selfie-centered
ger than both of them. Now they      Timothy Grey, ninth child of the      spond to all this?                  world we live in.
have done the impossible: raised     Baron of Greyham, longs to per-                                           The more you compare, the less
enough money to produce a            form some feat so legendary that      In Counter Culture, New York        satisfied you are. The more we
feature film with a message that     he will rise from obscurity and       Times bestselling author David      interact online, the more we crave
could change the world. But as       earn a title of his own. When the     Platt shows Christians how to       face to face intimacy, but the hard-
Chase and Keith begin shooting,      Ghosts of Farthingale Forest are      actively take a stand on such is-   er it is to have. The more filtered
their well-laid plans begin to       spotted in Wyndeshire, where          sues as poverty, sex trafficking,   our lives become, the harder it is
unravel. With millions of dollars    he serves as assistant to the lo-     marriage, abortion, racism, and     to be authentic. The more infor-
on the line, they make a desper-     cal earl, he might have found         religious liberty―and challenges    mation about the pain in the world
ate attempt to keep the film from    his chance. But when he comes         us to become passionate, unwa-      we’re exposed to the more difficult
falling apart—even as a tempera-     face-to-face with the leader of       vering voices for Christ. Draw-     it is to care.
mental actress, a botched pro-       the thieves, he’s forced to re-       ing on compelling personal ac-      It’s time to refresh and rediscover
duction schedule, and their own      examine everything he’s known.        counts from around the world,       our understanding for today’s
insecurities leave little room for                                         Platt presents an unapologetic      world the biblical principles that
the creative and spiritual passion   “Sleiman launches an action-          yet winsome call for Christians     life with Christ brings: content-
that once motivated them. Was        packed, historical series of ad-      to faithfully follow Christ into    ment, intimacy, authenticity, com-
God really behind this movie after   venture and romance, starring a       the cultural battlefield in ways    passion, rest and more. Groeschel
all? A chance meeting and friend-    strong, intelligent female Robin      that will prove both costly and     taps some of the most up to date
ship with John Baxter could bring    Hood who lives up to the famous       rewarding. The lines have been      studies on the effects of social
the encouragement they need to       outlaw’s reputation. This fun read    drawn. The moment has come          media on our emotions and our
stay on mission and produce a        makes a great adult-YA crossover      for Christians to rise up and de-   friendships, and shows us through
movie that will actually change      for Robin Hood fans who enjoy         liver a gospel message that’s       real-life illustrations how we strug-
people’s lives. In the midst of the  a twist to a classic tale.” -Library  more radical than even the most     gle and how we can overcome our
questions and the cameras, is it                                           controversial issues of our day.    struggles with Jesus’ life-changing
possible to keep things above        Journal                                                                   gospel message.
the line and make a movie unlike                                                                               With helpful appendices like the 10
anything done before—or is the                                                                                 Commandments of Using Social
                                                                                                               Media to Strengthen Your Faith,
risk too great for everyone?                                                                                   a challenge to go on Technol-
                                                                                                               ogy Fasts, and Creating Safeguards
                                                                                                               for Your #Struggles, you’ll find
                                                                                                               #Struggles to be just the guide to
                                                                                                               bring balance and real-life engage-
                                                                                                               ment to your everyday living.
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