Page 28 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
P. 28


Hello by ESTHER SAunDERS                                                                 Dear Lord Jesus,
                                                                                 thank you for keeping me safe
boys and girls                                                                 and secure. Help me to continually
                                                                             keep my focus and abide in you so that

                                                                                   I may always be protected.

Our Daddy got a new job in a different city and we have had to move.         had a great purpose for Moses. God was with Him from the beginning.
Over the school holidays Mommy and Daddy found a new house for us            Moses would lead God’s people out of slavery and toward the Promised
to stay in and enrolled us at a new school. We were very sad to leave our    Land. God used Moses to demonstrate and show Pharaoh His mighty
old neighbourhood and friends but we were also very excited about our        power through the 10 plagues and this ultimately led to Pharaoh letting
new adventure. It’s like Daddy and Mommy always say, “We are in this         God’s people go.
                                                                             Mommy explained that in the most difficult and scary situations, we are
On the 3rd of January we loaded all the packed boxes on the trailer and      not alone. God is with us. His Holy Spirit is within us to help us through
we followed the truck with all our furniture to our new neighbourhood.       the challenges of life, just like He helped Moses. Just think about it, if God
As we were driving I felt a sense of fear. What if I don’t like my new room  could help Moses lead His people out of slavery I’m sure God can help
or my new school? What if I don’t have any friends?                          us through life’s obstacles.

Mommy immediately noticed that I looked worried and a little bit sad.        The Bible says in John 14:26 (AMP) “But the [a]Helper (Comforter, Ad-
She asked why I felt this way and what she could do to help me feel          vocate, Intercessor—Counsellor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit,
better. As we continued on our journey Mommy began to tell me the            whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me
story of Moses and how his mother put him in a basket and into the river     and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you
to protect him from being murdered. She explained that at that time          remember everything that I have told you.”
Pharaoh was trying to destroy God’s people. Pharaoh’s daughter found
Moses and adopted him, she raised him in the palace as her own child.        We are definitely not alone. So don’t feel sad or overwhelmed. Just talk
Mommy explained that Moses didn’t fit in, he even stuttered, but God         to God and ask Him to help you.
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