Page 32 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
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DSTV CHANNEL 341                                    FAMILY OF NETWORKS

MAR 2016                                        




SHADOW                                               CHAMPIONS OF FAITH:                                  CHAMPIONS OF FAITH:
GOVERNMENT PART 1                                    BASEBALL EDITION PART 1                              BASEBALL EDITION PART 2
PG16                                                 PG13                                                 PG13
3 MARCH                                              10 MARCH                                             17 MARCH

John Wilson wakes up, gets ready for his day and     Champions of Faith: Baseball Edition is a docu-      Champions of Faith: Baseball Edition is a docu-
heads to work. He has no idea that he’s being        mentary film that showcases the intersection         mentary film that showcases the intersection
watched, tracked and studied. Is he a threat to      of sports and faith in Major League Baseball by      of sports and faith in Major League Baseball by
national security? Is he a terrorist or a criminal?  profiling many of the most accomplished and          profiling many of the most accomplished and
No, he’s an ordinary American citizen. Like every-   devout figures in the game. Major League base-       devout figures in the game. Major League base-
one else, John’s rights and freedoms have been       ball’s Mike Piazza, David Eckstein, Jeff Suppan,     ball’s Mike Piazza, David Eckstein, Jeff Suppan,
systematically destroyed - all in the name of        Mike Sweeney, Jack McKeon and Rich Donnelly          Mike Sweeney, Jack McKeon and Rich Donnelly
security and convenience. Is it about peace and      lead the cast in this sports special that tells the  lead the cast in this sports special that tells the
unity? Or is it about ultimate global power?         story of how their faith plays a role not only on    story of how their faith plays a role not only on
                                                     the field but at home.                               the field but at home.
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