Page 33 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
P. 33



WHEN CRISIS STRIKES                               THE WAY BACK HOME                                           THE GOD QUESTION
DRAMA - PG13                                      DRAMA - PG13                                                DRAMA - PG13
4 MARCH                                           11 MARCH                                                    18 MARCH

This movie takes you into a dramatic re-creation  When Spencer Krane learns that his grandmoth-               “The God Question” is an intellectual film that
of a hostage situation in which a man holds       er has suffered a stroke, he travels to rural Florida       broaches the great question: Is there a God? A
several teens in a classroom because he is        – never suspecting that his brief visit will become         computer named Ivan is asked the question (yes,
particularly angry with one, Matt Robinson, who   a true “journey of consequence.” Her words make             asked, because this is an intelligent super com-
helped identify his brother as a car-jacker.      him yearn for a bright future…but is he willing to          puter that talks back), then the voice-activated
                                                  come to terms with his past? Stars Julie Harris             computer is asked if it is capable of making such
                                                  and Ruby Dee.                                               a decision.



DYING TO BE HEARD                                 C ME DANCE                                                  BROKEN
DRAMA - PG16                                      DRAMA/SUSPENCE - PG16                                       DRAMA/SUSPENCE - PG16
5 MARCH                                           12 MARCH                                                    19 MARCH

There are three stories that tie in together as   A feature film about a teen-age girl, Sheri, who has        John Tossel’s parents have surrounded him
the movie progresses, all based on true events.   trained her entire life to dance for the Pittsburgh Ballet  with everything that money can buy, but his life
A moving dedication to the 6 million slain in     and her dreams are coming true. Vince, her father, a        seems empty. As he searches for something
Europe during the Holocaust and the 54 million    hard working, God loving man, raised her by himself         else, Emma draws him to a youth retreat and
unborn children slain in America from abortions.  since she was a toddler; her mother was killed in a         John attends with his friends Hope and Nevil.
                                                  car accident. He instilled these values in his daughter     While there, he is kidnapped by escaped cons.
CL                                 and supported her in her dreams. Things couldn’t be         Investigator Marv Headly comes to the aid of
                                                  better for them, until Sheri passes out at rehearsal        his parents working to get John back from the
                                                  and is rushed to hospital. She is diagnosed with a rare     kidnappers, but he finds stumbling blocks in the
                                                  blood disease and is dying. Sheri goes into denial and      form of Federal Marshal Owens and Deputy
                                                  rebels, causing turmoil, pain and anguish for herself       Marshal Hobbs.
                                                  and her father. Vince has the biggest challenge of his
                                                  life; keeping her close to God, helping her live out                                                  MARCH 2016 | 33
                                                  her dream before dying, counseling her and trying to
                                                  soften her heart toward God because she is feeling
                                                  betrayed. He deals with all this, while keeping himself
                                                  from falling apart over the fact that the person he
                                                  loves most in this world is going to die. One night
                                                  after they both pray for strength and clarity of what he
                                                  wants Sheri to do for him before she dies, a wonderful
                                                  miracle happens… This heartwarming and tear jerking
                                                  thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat and
                                                  touch everyone, giving us a rejuvenated love for Christ
                                                  and a deeper passion for life.
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