Page 34 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
P. 34

SPONSORED BY PARABLES TELEVISION NETWORK                                        20:00

UNDER JAKOB’S                         OBJECTS OF WRATH                          OVERCOME                               THE LAMP
LADDER                                DRAMA - PG13                              DRAMA - PG13                           DRAMA - PG13
DRAMA - PG13                          13 MARCH                                  20 MARCH                               27 MARCH

A story of a vendetta that began      Steve (Dan Arthur) has always felt        A young man in high school             In what seems to be the final days
because of a game of chess. It all    there was more to life than his           mistreats anyone good around him,      of their already strained marriage,
started when a country teacher        dead-end job and boring life. But         until he has a fateful accident which  Stanley and Lisa Walters ( Jason
named JakobSeel defeats a Russian     he doesn’t know how to go about           changes his life. Now he must          London & Meredith Salenger) are
grandmaster. The grandmaster’s        changing it. When past dreams             make amends to all those around        presented with a strange gift – an
young son, Nikolai, secretly vows     are remembered Steve begins to            him, and try to become the person      old oil lamp. Along with the lamp
to take revenge on the teacher.       pursue them. But when his addic-          he knew he should have been the        come a mysterious messenger
Twenty years pass by. Unaware of      tion to TV begins to grow stronger        whole time.                            (Louis Gossett Jr) and a statement
the vendetta, Jakob is now 60 years   his life begins to fall apart. He starts                                         that will cause them to search the
old. With the Soviet regime solidly   to become desperate for a change                                                 depths of their hearts to find its
in place, Jakob has been dismissed    and prays to God for help. God an-                                               truth. All things are possible if you...
from his teaching position in the     swers his prayer and Steve begins                                                Just Believe.
community. Jakob struggles with       a new life that is both difficult and
his growing sense of worthless-       unfamiliar. Join Steve as he journeys
ness. So, when a neighbour asks       down a new road and not only sees
him to publicly speak at the funeral  a change in his life but also helps
of her brother, he agrees, even       others along the path.
though he knows the government
forbids it. Later that night comes
the ominous knock on the door.
Jakob has been reported. The secret
police take him from his home and
his beloved granddaughter, Marta.
Thrown into a Soviet detention
camp, Jakob finds himself under the
heel of the ruthless warden, Nikolai

(Christopher Elliott).


Faith Broadcasting Network brings the best of local
           churches into your living room.


                                      Emmanuel Church is a Bible-believing, Christ-           Lisa and has three beautiful daughters, Mignon,
                                      centred and Spirit-driven church. Whilst we             Alexa and Klarissa, as well as a son, Edwin Bo,
                                      have a passion for the lost and broken, we make         who is their youngest. He has a passion for God,
                                      every effort to reach the lost through missions         God’s glory and is devoted to preach the Gospel
                                      and to reach out to our fellow believers in love.       of Jesus Christ. He enjoys fishing, whether it be
                                      We have a mandate to not only to impact our             at Von Bach dam or fishing for Jesus!
                                      neighbourhood, but our city, our country and our

                                      Matt Ludick has been the Senior Pastor of Em-
                                      manuel Church since 2004. He is married to

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