Page 35 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
P. 35


Faith Broadcasting Network brings the best of local
           churches into your living room.

3C MINISTRIES                                       GET READY LIVE 2016                              CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH
PS BERT & CHARNÉ PRETORIUS                          CONFERENCE                                       JOHANNESBURG
13 MARCH                                            DRS ANDRÉ & JENNY ROEBERT                        DRS THEO & BEVERLEY WOLMARANS
                                                    20 MARCH                                         27 MARCH

3C is a dynamic, multi-racial, multi-site, vibrant  Hostedby Drs André & Jenny Roebert from          Founded in September 1979 by Senior Pastor
and fast-growing church with over 25,000            East London, South Africa, with guest            Dr. Theo Wolmarans and his wife Beverley,
members in South Africa, founded by Pastors         speakers, Leon van Rooyen, Jonathan Shut-        Christian Family Church International Johannes-
Bert and Charné Pretorius. Their passion for God    tlesworth, Tommy Deuschle and Judah van          burg is one of the largest churches of its kind in
is contagious and very evident in their ministry    Staden.The purpose of this conference is to      Southern Africa.
all over the world. Fulfilling the Great Commis-    focus God’s vision to all believers and draw
sion of Jesus Christ (Matt 28:19) is achieved by    people from all over the world who are intent    Dr Theo Wolmarans
winning, consolidating, discipling and sending      in seeing the purpose of God fulfilled in their  Pastor Theo is an anointed teacher who pre-
people through the over 2000 cell groups. Their     lives.                                           sents the Word of God with complete clarity
love for God and His people are evidenced in the                                                     and simplicity, bringing understanding to every
many welfare and social development projects                                                         heart and mind while simultaneously captivat-
of the Church, with the Compassion for Children                                                      ing the audience with his bold, dynamic style.
project feeding 10,000 underprivileged children
on a daily basis.                                                                                    Dr Beverley Wolmarans
                                                                                                     As an anointed preacher and exhorter, Pastor
Through television and radio broadcasts “A New                                                       Beverley is a very popular speaker. She shares
Life, A New Beginning” shares the Good News                                                          life lessons she has learned as a mother and a
to over 47 million people across the African and                                                     wife, and she does it with a practical, down-
European continents every week. A dedicated                                                          to-earth approach sharing from her heart. She
team of prayer warriors pray daily for the many                                                      uses her own experiences with both humour
requests received in response to these broad-                                                        and boldness, but always with an underlying
casts.                                                                                               message of hope and encouragement.

Bert and Charné are blessed, with sons, Pearson,
Damian and Tristan, and their daughters Caitlyn,
Jordan and Madison.

Bert is an ordained minister of the Full Gospel
Church of God in South Africa.

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