Page 22 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
P. 22



        Friday 26 February 2016
                 DAY 333

20 | MARCH 2016  We are approaching our 11-month project anniversary as we prepare
                 this update for you. It is awesome to see God’s hand in every step of the
                 process, and just to know that He is in charge. This project was com-
                 menced as a result of His instructions and we are super-excited to see
                 that plan come to fruition. We realise that without the faithful support
                 of our partners and the teams at “ground-zero” the project would never
                 have been started, and would never have progressed at the pace it has!

                 The budget is currently 7,81% short of the final goal that translates to
                 R 2 342 109of the total project budget of R30 million! Along the way
                 there has been some strangely misplaced criticism from some people,
                 but we believe that when God’s bigger plan in making this a soul-saving
                 facility is revealed in the future, these would dissipate. On the whole
                 the support for God’s vision has been overwhelming. The team of Faith
                 Broadcasting is extremely privileged to have so many like-minded peo-
                 ple at their side and is honoured to call them friends! We praise God for
                 such faithful partners. There are daily calls and emails from people all
                 over the world who are pledging support, both in prayer and finances,
                 for the Faith Dome project. We know that God commands His blessing
                 where there is unity, and so together and united we believe to see the
                 entire renovation completed on time.

                 There is a small portion of the old roof left, and as we post this update
                 to you, the construction teams are busy dismantling the remainder. In
                 anticipation of the side support structures being erected, the construc-
                 tion crew has built a supporting wall to carry the weight of the new roof.
                 They have also continued with the installation of the gutters along the
                 outer edge and completing the oval ring-beam at the apex of the dome
                 to which the side arches will be fixed in the near future. It is so exciting
                 to know that the changed skyline of East London is in fact a testimony to
                 the goodness and love of God.

                 We can bear testimony to the fact that God always provides neces-
                 sary resources when He gives a vision to accomplish anything for His
                 Kingdom. Our vision is plain and simple - Go out and train everyone you
                 meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the
                 threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the
                 practice of all I have commanded you (Matthew 28:19-20 MSG).This
                 is the exact mandate of Faith Broadcasting Network and its partners!
                 Thank you again for heeding the voice of Christ and partnering with us
                 to make this commission a reality.Thank you for your continued support
                 of this vision in prayer and finances - we value your partnership greatly!
                 To give you some practical insight into the timeline of the project, and
                 also to help you pray specifically for each stage in this phase of the
                 development, here is an anticipated timeline (we will keep updating you
                 with the latest news as the plans unfold!

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