Page 17 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
P. 17

changed. Radical and violent Islamism has taken over from Communism           YOU CAN STRENGTHEN
as the main source of Christian persecution. What the Open Doors World        WHAT REMAINS IN THE
Watch List highlights is the plea of Christians being persecuted in Muslim    PERSECUTED CHURCH
dominant countries, which was unheard of in 1955. What does remain
the same in 2015, as in 1955, is that many continue to witness the Gospel     Name:________________________________
spreading even amidst martyrdom and struggle.                                 Surname:______________________________
                                                                              Contact number:________________________
(Visit for more.)                                Account holder’s name:__________________
YOU CAN JOIN OPEN DOORS IN SERVING THE                                        Bank:_________________________________
PERSECUTED CHURCH                                                             Branch:________________________________
                                                                              Branch code:___________________________
Most recently, in one year, Open Doors delivered over two million Bibles      Type of account:
and pieces of Christian literature to persecuted believers. We served over     Cheque  Transmission  Savings
200 000 Christians in need and trained over 250 000 believers in the          Account number:_______________________
persecuted Church so that they in turn can continue to advance God’s          Amount:_______________________________
Kingdom where faith costs the most. And our mission continues.                Amount in words:_______________________
Jesus told his disciples that “In this world you will have trouble. But take  ______________________________________
heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33).” Since Jesus’ ascension His    Date account should be debited:
Church has indeed faced much trouble and persecution. Although the             1st  17th
forms of persecution have changed throughout the ages, and will continue      Debit order effective from:________________
to change, one thing remains the same: the mission that Open Doors and        My contribution should go towards:
the worldwide Church is called for, “Awake strengthen what remains which       Bibles  Where needed most
is at the point of death…” As Brother Andrew says, “It’s what Jesus told the  Date:_________________________________
disciples to do… He who spared not His only Son but gave Him up for us        Authorised signature:
all, how shall He not freely give us all things, including guts…”

                                                                              For once off donations to Open Doors,
                                                                              please see our bank details:
                                                                              Name: Open Doors
                                                                              Bank: Absa Bank Northcliff
                                                                              Branch Code: 632005
                                                                              Account Number: 160 340 568 (Current)
                                                                              Reference Number: MF1602

                                                                                   T +27 11 888 9341 | F +27 11 888 9362
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