Page 18 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
P. 18
When parents are faced with the agonizing questions of, “Can I do anything about the predicament we have in education?” or, “How can I take con-
trol of the daily anguish we experience in the school day of our child?” or, “My child is not thriving, my child is cutting himself out of desperation in
school,” then I suggest they honestly answer three questions asked in this article followed by a bold step of action.
There is no need that parents torment themselves daily with feelings of powerlessness when a child, at an institution for learning, is not learning at
all, or even worse, when the child is actually hurting and spiralling down into deep depression and bleakness.
Angie Motshekga, the Minister for Basic Let us do a quick test: imagine three empty generation, they will leave home and enter
Education, has called South Africa’s education glasses that you need to fill as far as possible into the world to study and work, effect-
system a “national catastrophe” and a “crisis” with with positive answers to the questions ing all spheres of life, whether in business,
( above. If your glass turns up empty it will government, media, arts and entertainment,
The family-affirming United Nations Con- serve as a sure warning that your child will education, family or religion.
vention document on the Rights of the Child, stand empty handed and hoping for a job by
which is now 24 years old, states that “the school leaving age, having only a worthless A single child, godly or ungodly, has either
family has the primary responsibility for the matric certificate or degree paper, and a a constructive or a devastating effect on his
nurturing and protection of children and that statistic as one of the more than 25% unem- or her milieu, and can shape the course of a
children, for the full and harmonious devel- ployed in South Africa. whole community or nation.
opment of their personality, should grow up
in a family environment and in an atmosphere The Question of Values Parents who are passionate about their role
of happiness, love and understanding.” as true educators, consider this task of grow-
God has always intended the family (the first ing people as their main responsibility to God;
It further states that “the family, as the institution He created on earth) to be respon- hence they protect this value when threat-
fundamental group of society and the natural sible for growing people – a husband and ened in its ‘outworking.’ Parents rightfully
environment for the growth and well-being wife get married and have children that grow choose to rather home educate their children
of all its members and particularly children, up in a safe environment and learn by exam- or start smaller learning centres for the sake
should be afforded the necessary protection ple how to follow God’s commandments and of not sacrificing Godly influence and values.
and assistance so that it can fully assume its to lay themselves down sacrificially to serve
responsibilities within the community” others. As a young adult, then part of the next Design and Destiny
The question to ask is simple: Will the learn-
In the light of this parents should answer ing environment of my uniquely designed
three essential questions: child assist in bringing him or her into the
destiny God has intended. Solomon instructs,
1. It is not time that as parents we stand up “Train up the child the way he should go and
for our values? when he is old he will not depart from it”
(Proverbs 22:6).
2. Do we know the design of the child and are
we acting in the interest of the child? According to the South African Constitution a
child has “The right to education … (which is)
3. Are we making the mental shift to change the right to develop all aspects of the human
our approach in the education of our child personality to its fullest extent.” Parents have
so that he or she can be assured of a
job in this country?
18 | MARCH 2016