Page 20 - My Faith Mag MARCH 2016 web
P. 20

Reading, writing and maths are important, but the following is more important:

• Critical thinking and problem solving
• Creativity and innovation
• Collaboration and teamwork; leadership and responsibility
• Cross-cultural and social understanding
• Communications, Information, and media literacy
• Computing and ICT literacy
• Being a self-worker, self-reliant, and self-directed

The most sought after characteristics in any person should be:

• Innovation
• Entrepreneurship
• Flexibility
• Risk-Taking

With these qualities present, then, even if there is no job available, young people             Martie du Plessis
will start their own businesses and become job-creators for themselves and others.
“Creativity is as important in education as literacy and we should treat it with the         Educational Consultant and
same status.” (Sir Ken Robinson, international creativity expert, 2006). Is your creative         Remedial Therapist
child being celebrated, or are they being administered medication such as Ritalin or
Concerto for ‘misbehaviour?’                                                                     Cell: 082 57 4 14 33
                                                                                                  Fax: 086 642 7743
It seems as if politicians in our country are starting to recognise the problem and
are encouraging young people to be trained differently. Deputy Higher Education  
Minister MduduziManana commented recently, “Young people should stop pursuing
university degrees that would result in them joining the list of unemployed gradu-
ates… If we don’t have [an artisan qualification], the rate of unemployment will be
higher. Some learners are pursuing a university degree which is not marketable and
they end up joining the unemployed because of lack of career counselling… We have
134 artisan trades [and] we have recruited more than 1 000 artisans from Thailand
because we don’t have enough in our country. There is a demand for artisans in
SA, but there is no demand for lawyers.” Manana said an artisan was a person who
had been certified as competent to perform a listed trade, in accordance with the
Skills Development Act, including bricklayers, electricians, millwrights, boilermakers,
plumbers, fitters and turners, plasterers, welders and pipe fitters.”

“An important consideration... is to choose careers that are on the scarce and critcal list, since they are the ones in short supply and highly needed in
the industry sectors”

Parents need to make a huge shift, which I call it the 43 Shift. This is a shift from ‘head’ to ‘heart’ where 43 indicates the approximate measurement in
centimetres from the head to the heart. This ‘shift’ in the way things are done encourages parents to be more in touch with the heart and the passion
of the child. Parent must provide a learning context and tools where these passions can be developed. Parents should trust their own hearts as God
has linked the heart of the parent with the child in a very specific way so that children can be loved and nurturedinto adulthood. It is actually a simple
task - a supernatural task, a privilege and a challenge – doable with God’s grace.

Dynamis empowers parents to take up their roles as main educators, to stand up for their values, to fight for the design of a child and to make a shift for a different and better
education. Make the shift, a 43 shift. More information at

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