Page 18 - July_Finals_2017
P. 18



It’s with great excitement that Faith Family of Networks announced    cles, and as such this will set our channel apart from most other
the launch of a new satellite channel in the USA, called FaithU-      religious offerings on television.” Each programmer and content
SA. President and CEO, Dr. André Roebert says, “Over the years,       provider on our network has a unique way in conveying the Gos-
we have received many prophetic words concerning the future           pel of Christ, and by giving various approaches to so many dif-
significance of Faith Broadcasting Network. We have carried the       ferent viewers, we ensure that the message will hit its mark. Some
voice of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit across the nations    of the programmers include Jonathan Shuttlesworth, Katie Souza,
of the earth, and we have eagerly awaited the arrival of every        Rodney Howard-Browne, Paula White, and Curry Blake. Many oth-
season to get us there.”                                              er respected ministers, such as Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, Bill
Faith Family of Networks launched in 2002 as the first ever Chris-    Winston, John & Lisa Bevere, Jentezen Franklin, Planetshakers, and
tian television channel in South Africa and has grown over the        Beth Jones form part of the regular program lineup.
last 15 years to a network reaching over 250 million households in
Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States.According to Dr.     “The program content on FaithUSA encourages and uplifts the
André Roebert the expansion into the USA heralds a new season         lives of its viewers through top international and local shows that
of expansion. “In addition to reaching ±14 million homes via Dish     include everything from wholesome comedy, talk shows, docu-
Network channel 269,” he comments, “we are currently negotiat-        mentaries, entertainment, music, top local and international in-
ing local broadcasting in some other states and cities throughout     spirational family movies, as well as children’s and youth based
the USA, which will bring the potential reach of FBN to close to 20   shows,” says Ben Ferrell. “ FaithUSA is part of the selective block
million homes.”                                                       of religious channels on Dish Network. It is adjacent to the block
                                                                      of Hispanic channels, beginning with Univision, one of the most
Ben Ferrell, of BMC Ferrell agencies, who works in close associa-     highly rated television networks in America.”
tion with FBN comments, “We have an earnest sense of anticipa-        “FaithUSA is primarily focused on souls,” says Dr. Roebert, “confirm-
tion to see God’s kingdom extended, and as such, the potential        ing the Word with signs following in the power of the Holy Spirit for
of reaching millions of souls fills us with awe. God is at work, and  live broadcasts.” The channel is geared towards the whole family,
as His servants fulfilling the great commission, we are all a vital   and the promotional launch video released by FBNencapsulates
part of it!”                                                          their purpose - “Invite the supernatural into your home this summer
Faith Family of Networks consider the 6 July launch as an enor-       as FaithUSA launches on Dish Network Channel 269.Experience
mous opportunity to infiltrate the USA and Africa with the Word       the miracle-working power of God daily as you join millions world-
of Faith and the move of His Holy Spirit. “FaithUSA will focus on     wide in a spirit of faith, hope and love.It is about uniting your fam-
the power of the Holy Spirit,” says Dr. Roebert, “broadcasting live   ily, your community, your nation, it is about God as the mainstay
programs showing revival in action, the supernatural, and mira-       of your life.”
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