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RARE LEADERSHIP                              • Discusses the 4 uncommon habits to lead with emotional
                                                                    maturity, namely to remain relational, act like yourself, re
                     Marcus Warner is the presi-                     turn to joy and endure hardship well.
                     dent of Deeper Walk Interna-
                     tional. He is a former pastor
                     and college professor who
                     has written several books
                     on topics ranging from how
                     to study the Bible to spiritual
                     warfare, emotional healing
                     and leader-ship. Marcus has
                     also led training events for or-
                     ganizations such as The Nav-
                     igators, Willow Creek Prison
                     Ministry and The Moody

Jim Wilder has been training leaders and counselors for           ISBN: 978-1-4321-1928-7
over 27 years on five continents. He is the author of nine        Price: R 179.95
books with a strong focus on maturity and relationship skills     Release date: May 2017
for leaders. His coauthored book Living from the Heart Je-        Category: Leadership
sus Gave You has sold over 100 000 copies in 11 languages.        Target market: Managers and Ministers
He is currently executive director of Shepherd’s House Inc.       Trim size: 140 x 216 mm
and is the founder of Life Model Works.                           Pages: 232
                                                                  Binding: Softcover

Healthy teams begin with healthy leaders, and at the heart        Changing live through the Word
of this dynamic is emotional maturity – the quality the great-
est leaders possess.

Combining solid theology, cutting-edge brain science, and
decades of counseling and consulting experience, Rare
Leadership shows you how to take your leadership and
team to the next level. It will equip you to:

• Cultivate emotional maturity in yourself and others
• Develop the four uncommon habits of R.A.R.E. leaders

  – Remain Relational, Act Like Yourself, Return to Joy, and
  Endure Hardship Well
• Promote a strong group identity
• Keep relationships bigger than problems
• Increase your productivity through trust, joy, and engage

Discussion questions are included at the end of each
chapter. A glossary at the end of the book is also available
to explain some of the terms and concepts discussed.

Whether you are burnt out or just looking to improve, when
you prioritize people and lead from a secure identity you’ll
be amazed at the freedom you will feel and the results you
will see. You can lead from a healthy place, respond rather
than react, and build the team of your dreams. If you want
to take your organization to the next level, it starts with you.
Rare Leadership will equip you to lead joy-filled, emotion-
ally mature, and relationally connected teams.


• Jam-packed with insightful drawings and tables to ex
   plain given examples.

• Discussion questions at the end of each chapter.
• Includes a glossary of terms.
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