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album and a new outlook on life.                                        In this book, Dr. Kathy Koch empowers and equips parents
Leading with the hit single, “Unfinished,” Out of The Dark is           with creative ideas on how to:
filled with songs of hope, resilience, & reminders that God
is still working, no matter the circumstance. The new album             · Accept and affirm their child’s unique smarts
also features guest artists TobyMac, Kirk Franklin, and more.           · Motivate their child to learn and study with all 8 smarts
                                                                        · Reawaken any “paralyzed” smarts
                                     REND COLLECTION                    · Redirect misbehavior in new, constructive ways
                                                                        · Guide their child spiritually, relationally, and to a good
                                            All of their biggest songs   career fit.
                                            on one album! A bit
                                            like the old mixtapes       Discover your child’s smarts, and help them to flourish and
                                            we used to make, back       be all that God designed them to be. 8 Great Smarts paves
                                            in the day but with no      the way for a lifetime of success and fulfillment as children
                                            need for a pencil.          learn to master their God-given skills.

                                            It’s been a long time       KEY SELLING POINTS:
                                            since fourteen tracks
                                            has told such a grand       • 8 different intelligences are explored: word smart
                                            and honest story. These       (thinking with words), logic smart (thinking with questions),
                                            fourteen tracks show just     picture smart (thinking with pictures), music smart (think
how boldly they have called people to join in the revolution.             ing with rhythms and melodies), body smart (thinking with
From Movements to Praise Like Fireworks, Second Chance                    movement and touch), nature smart (thinking with pat
to My Lighthouse, Rend have made a habit of creating not                  terns), people smart (thinking with people), and self smart
just a soundtrack for a Christian community, but investing in             (thinking with reflection).
and nurturing that community itself.
                                                                        • Includes a password to complete online assessments for
                                        Dr. Kathy Koch, PhD, is the        free to help discover how your child thinks best.
                                        founder and president
                                        of Celebrate Kids, Inc., a      • Includes vocabulary and thinking verb appendices to
                                        Christian ministry based in        help awaken your child’s smarts and improve com-pre
                                        Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Kathy       hension, memory and ability to use information
                                        earned a PhD in reading            accurately.
                                        and educational psychol-
                                        ogy from Purdue University,     • Includes ideas for games to play based on a child’s
                                        and became a full-time and         smart, eg. Pictionary if a child is picture smart.
                                        keynote speaker in 1991. She
                                        speaks to parents, educa-
                                        tors, and children of all ages
                                        on the topics in this book
                                        and her three other books:
                                        Finding Authentic Hope and
                                        Wholeness, Screens and
                                        Teens, and No More Perfect
                                        Kids, which she coauthored
                                        with Jill Savage.

“Smart” is a powerful word. But what does it mean to be                 ISBN: 978-1-4321-1791-7
smart? If your child is not good at math or languages, does             Price: R 169.95
that mean he or she is not smart? No! Dr. Kathy Koch wants              Release date: May 2017
parents to know that their kids are smart, whether they excel           Category: Parenting
in the classroom or not!                                                Target market: Parents and Teachers
                                                                        Trim size: 140 x 190 mm
8 Great Smarts will guide parents to discover and nurture               Pages: 240
their children’s intelligence, because children can be word             Binding: Softcover
smart, logic smart, picture smart, music smart, body smart,
nature smart, people smart, or self smart. Parents will be              Changing live through the Word
able to determine what kind of smart their child is through
the suggested activities provided in this book. Free assess-
ments can also be downloaded from the 8 Great Smarts
website ( using the password pro
vided in the book. Children who believe they are smart of-
ten excel more in school and are generally more confident.
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