Page 14 - July_Finals_2017
P. 14



                                 BADGE                               ISBN: CAMDV937140974
                                 OF FAITH                            Barcode: 6006937140974
                                                                     Style: DRAMA
                                        BRYAN LAWRENCE is a cop      Release Date: MAY 2017
                                        who’s dedicated his ca-      Format: DVD
                                        reer to the entire concept   Running Time: 98 MIN
                                        of ‘To Protect and Serve’.   MARKET: ALL
                                        But a chance encounter       FPB: 7-9PG
                                        with two fugitives ends
                                        with Bryan being kicked                                         MANDISA:
                                        in the face, paralyzing him                                     OUT OF THE DARK
                                        from the neck down.
                                                                                                               Coming off her most
                                        Bryan loves his family,                                                successful album ever,
                                        God, and helping others.                                               Mandisa has returned
                                        His life had been full of                                              with an all new studio
                                        drug busts, encouraging                                                album, Out Of The Dark.
kids to succeed, and working to support worthy causes in                                                       Her previous album,
the community. He makes a promise to his future daugh-                                                         Overcomer, produced
ter-in-law that he’ll walk her down the aisle when her ab-                                                     an RIAA Gold single,
sentee father can’t do it.                                                                                     garnered 2 Grammy
                                                                                                               Wins, and has sold over
After that fateful kick, however, Bryan finds himself in a                                                     320,000 albums. After the
whole new world – one where he is completely helpless.               success of Overcomer, Mandisa fell into a deep depres-
The doctors say he will never walk again, but Bryan                  sion, isolating herself from friends, family, and music. But
refuses to give up on that promise he made.                          now she is emerging from the pit of depression with a new
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