Page 13 - July_Finals_2017
P. 13


                I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!

                               ANGUS BUCHAN

If I never believed in miracles before the 22 April 2017, I defi- know, accept the Lord, but we believe it “exceeds” one

nitely do now.                                                  million people.

In the Gospel of Mark 4:41 The Word of God says very clear-     It took place in six weeks and the budget was in the region
ly, “And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another,      of R40 million. We started with no money, we sold no tickets
“Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey           and we took no collections. God payed for everything. I
Him!” The disciples were in a little boat going across the Sea  asked the Lord in a very humble and quietly way for two
of Galilee and Jesus was sound asleep at the stern of the       things: “I would like to address one million people physically
boat, when a massive storm blew up. They were afraid that       and not through any form of media, and secondly I would
the boat was going to sink and they cried out: “Lord don’t      like to stand on the platform not owing anybody a penny.”
you care?” Then Jesus stood up and He calmed the waves,         God gave me both of those requests and that is why I’m so
and stilled the wind. It was indeed a miracle.                  in love with Jesus Christ, the Miracle Worker at this time and
                                                                I will never doubt Him again.
I looked up in the Oxford dictionary for the word miracle
which means: object of wonder and it comes from the Lat-        He requires two things from His servant’s: faith to believe for
in word ‘miraculum’. We saw a miracle take place on 22          a miracle and obedience to fulfil exactly what He tells us
April 2017. I stood on the platform and looked at the biggest   to do. We saw over 400,000 motorcars not counting buses,
crowd I’ve ever seen in my entire life with my physical eyes.   aero planes, helicopters, and even trains arrive at the meet-
We in South Africa are so blessed! I don’t think there is any   ing. We had the biggest sound system in South Africa and
other country in the world that has had a prayer meeting        we had over 30 different stations with speakers and side
which exceeds one million people. We don’t know the ex-         screens going out from the platform. When I stood on the
act number of people who attended and no one will ever          platform I could not see the end of the crowd. People came
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