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DSTV CHANNEL 341                                                  FAMILY OF NETWORKS

JULY 2017                                                   


PAULA WHITE TODAY                                                  SHAPING YOUR DESTINY

WITH PAULA WHITE                                                   WITH MIKE APHANE

Paula White Ministries is a global ministry in both vision and     Shaping Your Destiny, with Pastor SM Aphane, aims to
reach. Utilizing the Internet, Television, Radio, Literature, and  shape ordinary people’s destinies to manifest the power of
Public Speaking as our primary vehicles of communication,          the Holy Spirit through healing and deliverance - for in Him
her mission is to see the world come to a saving knowledge         we live and move and have our being.
of Jesus Christ.                                                   Watch Shaping Your Destiny on Sundays 05h30-06h00.
Watch Paula White on Mondays to Fridays 14h30-15h00

DAYS OF GLORY                                                      KING OF GLORY

Reigniting the fire of God, a passion for the lost and a hun-      With plain yet profound imagery and bold animations,
ger for the supernatural presence of God... Join us for Days       KING of GLORY tells the story of the Creator-Owner of the
of Glory, a manifestation of God’s Glory upon his people.          universe and His plan to rescue His rebellious subjects from
Watch Days of Glory on Sundays 20h00-22h00                         the kingdom of darkness.
                                                                   Watch “King of Glory” on Wednesdays 16h00-16h30

                                                                   Please see TV Guide for Repeat Times.

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