Page 20 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 20

enjoying everyday life



It’s amazing how many things people can be afraid of.           When I think of my own children—especially when they
There’s the fear of sickness, job loss, failure, commitment,    were younger—there’s almost nothing I wouldn’t do to help
and public speaking. Some people are afraid of things like      them if they were in trouble. Or if someone tried to harm
taking tests, swimming, animals, insects, heights or even       them, they better watch out...because no one gets be-
what the future holds—and the list goes on!                     tween a mom and her kids!

Whatever the fear may be, it’s important to know that it        If we feel this way about our children, then how do you think
does not come from God. In fact, fear is one of the primary     God feels about us? And unlike us, He has no limitations.
weapons Satan uses to keep people from fulfilling God’s         Nothing is impossible with Him—He can help us in every situ-
destiny for their lives.                                        ation, on every occasion.

So I ask you: What are you afraid of today? Is there a situ-    Hebrews 13:5-6 (NLT) says: “...For God has said, ‘I will never
ation or circumstance that threatens to overwhelm you? Is       fail you. I will never abandon you.’ So we can say with con-
something stealing your peace and causing you to worry?         fidence, ‘The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What
                                                                can mere people do to me?’”
If so, I want to encourage you to know that God sees you,
He loves you, and He wants you to trust Him to help you!        God wants you to know that He’s always going to take care
                                                                of you as you place Your trust in Him—always. You don’t
First John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love [dread does     have to know His exact timing or how He will do it, but you
not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out  can be assured that He will always meet your needs.
fear…” (AMP).

Understanding how much God loves us and desires to help
us is the antidote for fear.
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