Page 16 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 16

Brad Kirsten: That’s good to know. I know you started, ‘in the beginning…’ but would you recommend starting at the begin-
ning of the Bible, if you were to pick it up for the very first time, and follow the outline that you’ve used, or can you jump to
and fro, not only in the Bible, but also in your ‘The Good Book?’

Deron Spoo: I think you can, but I would encourage people to start at the beginning. Because, you know, let’s take Gen-
esis One - that’s the place to start - and that’s the very first Chapter I’ve chosen. And I just make one simple point in that
Chapter, that I think is important for all of us: that you and I are more like God, than anything else God created. You know,
theologians call it ‘being made in the image of God’ and then, we wrestle with what that means. I just say we are more
like God, than anything else God created. So, there are days when we feel less than human, but really, we are the most
Divine thing, in all of Creation. So, when we embrace that identity, it has the potential of changing our destiny. If we just
understand we are made in God’s image.

Brad Kirsten: And, without knowing that identity, you don’t know who you are and you’d wander around aimlessly, so un-
derstanding that first would be key.

Deron Spoo: Absolutely! So, in the first chapter, I talk about the sin that I wrestle with. I wrestle with fear. And I know a lot
of people do - there’s a lot to be afraid of, in our culture. And, I’ve heard this, that there are 365 events in the Bible where
God says: ‘Do not be afraid.’ Even though it’s said so many times, I’m still afraid. I’m not perfect yet, but I’m in progress. And
so, it’s important for me, even on days when I’m afraid, to remember that I am made in God’s image, and he loves me,
failures and all.

Brad Kirsten: Well, that’s something to get your hands on ‘The Good Book.’ Pastor Derron, great spending time with you.
Welcome to South Africa, all the way from Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Deron Spoo: I appreciate your hospitality, and thank you very much.
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