Page 14 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 14




Brad Kirsten: What an honour to sit across from Pastor Der-          my own people, as a Pastor, to give newcomers into our
ron Spoo, from the First Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma.          Church an opportunity to engage with the Scripture, for the
I don’t know too much about Tulsa but I can tell that this           first time.
guy that I follow on YouTube is an inspirational individual
from Tulsa, Oklahoma, and he just tells me the weather is            Brad Kirsten: We have a Pastor who does quite a lot of
not too unlike Cape Town - a few seasons in one day and              broadcasting on our station. One of the questions, one of
you never know what you’re going to get.                             the comments he often makes is: if your devotional is above
                                                                     your Bible, in the pile of books next to your bed, you’re in
Deron Spoo: That’s exactly right! Now one thing - if you             trouble. And, I’ve come to get that feeling that the Bible
come to Oklahoma, get ready for tornadoes! I don’t know if           is tough for some people to read, and without a Pastor, or
you have tornadoes here in South Africa, but they’re fright-         whomever, writing through a devotional, people struggle to
ening but they’re also fun too.                                      really go and take chunks on their own, because they just
                                                                     don’t have what it takes to, maybe, figure out the trickier
Brad Kirsten: I’ll tell you what is also frightening, is the Word    stuff. I mean, Paul certainly hasn’t made it easy for us.
of God, for a new believer. And, I’ve heard a story that
you’ve told before about a young woman in your Church,               Deron Spoo: No, no, no, and even Peter said Paul wrote
who had her very first experience of Church in her whole             some very difficult things. So, in this book, what I tell people,
life, in your congregation. Tell us that story, very briefly?        or what I try to communicate, is that the Scripture is the most
                                                                     valuable thing. And, in fact, I encourage people to read
Deron Spoo: Yeah, that’s right. So, she looked to be in her          these forty chapters of the Bible, as a place to start. Read
mid-thirties; I stepped off the platform after teaching on a         the chapter first, then read my devotional - maybe there’ll
Sunday morning and, she shared with me her name, and                 be some benefit from that - but then, go back and read it
she said ‘this is my first time in Church, in my entire life.’ And,  again. Because, as we become more and more familiar
she asked a rather innocent question, you know, ‘is there a          with the Bible - it’s like a friendship - you know, you must
book you people read - meaning Christians - that will help           break the ice a little bit. And, as you listen more to the Scrip-
me understand what you believe about God’. And, in a                 ture, you’ll start to hear the voice of God. It takes time and
moment, that was just like a quick movie that I saw in my            patience. So, if I can just give a little guidance, a little bit of
mind, I could see me handing her Bible. She would, maybe,            a nudge, then I’ve accomplished my goal.
get through Genesis; maybe make it through Exodus, but
when she got to the Levitical Law, she would check out and           Brad Kirsten: Let’s talk a little bit about the nudge. I know
she would say: ‘this is weird, I don’t want any part of this’.       you’ve got forty points, as it were, to help those who read
So, I knew that there must be a way to make the intimidat-           ‘The Good Book’, to get a better grasp of the Bible. How
ing Bible more approachable for people. And, I searched              have you set it out? I mean, what was your plan, originally,
all over the web, to try to find that tool that I was looking        to say, if we can get these parts down, we’ll make the over-
for. And, when I couldn’t find it, I decided to write it, but for    all picture a lot easier to understand.
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