Page 15 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 15

Deron Spoo: Right. So, I grew up on top forty radio, so that       Brad Kirsten: We often get lost in the type of translation. I
number has just kind of stuck in my head. And, I used to           can’t speak for how it works in the USA, but I can tell you,
listen to a radio program every weekend with the top forty         here in South Africa, we’re very big on which version of the
hits, and really, those were the best of the best songs. So,       Bible the pastor reads from the pulpit, every Sunday. I think
I would say that I have not been writing this book for five        people become almost a bit possessive over this; that this is
years - I’ve been writing this book for twenty-five years. As      ‘our’ version of the Bible. The one that you’ve used for ‘The
I’ve been teaching, throughout the Scripture, and I say if I       Good Book’ is one that we’re not really that familiar with.
had to point to forty chapters that are absolutely essential -     How did you make a choice?
not that these are the most important, but they’re a place to
start - what chapters what I choose? And so, each chapter          Deron Spoo: So, this is a brand-new Translation and, let me
picks up on a different part of the grand theme of God’s           say, just very quickly, I have read multiple Translations, over
love for us. And I would say this: that, if we’re reading the Bi-  the years. The first Bible I owned was a New Revised Stand-
ble just to understand the Bible better, that’s stopping short     ard Version, and then I read the King James Version. For
of the goal. The goal is to read the Bible, so we can know         years, I’ve used the New International Version. About a year
and experience the love of God.                                    ago, I was exposed to what’s called the Christian Standard
                                                                   Bible, and I must say, and working on this project, they sent
Brad Kirsten: And this would create a hunger to read the           me the forty chapters. I got a chance to study those forty
Bible more and more, because - as soon as you start to un-         chapters, but not only that the words that they chose, that
derstand different parts of it - it completes the picture and,     I thought were very accurate and true, but also the way it
hopefully, creates a hunger. Because, let’s be honest, I think     sounds to the ear. And so, I would read some of it out loud
we could all read our Bibles more than we do.                      to, say, if I were communicating this from my Church. You
                                                                   know, I love Psalm 139, you know, ‘Lord you have searched
Deron Spoo: Oh, absolutely! And so, one of the sections - I        me and you have known me. You know when I sit down
only take one chapter from Proverbs – Proverbs, Chapter            and when I rise up’. Just the beauty of the way it rolls off the
One. And, of course, it’s a fantastic chapter about the im-        page, into the ear. So, I love this New Translation. I know it’s
portance of wisdom in our life. But, I set it up so that now a     being introduced to South Africa, as we speak, and, can I
person can read the entire book of Proverbs, and have a            just say as a Pastor and as a Jesus follower, I highly recom-
context with which to understand it. I think the greatest bar-     mend it.
rier of people reading the Bible is just the decision to do it.
You know, it’s like being on a diet, or having a health plan,
say: ‘I’m going to do this’ and, if we do this long enough,
we’re growing our understanding and love for God.
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