Page 11 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 11




A little while ago a video clip was sent to me. In it, a middle  The purpose of this meeting will be to call upon the Lord Je-
aged farmer, driving his bakkie, pleaded with the nation to      sus Christ. We want to see an end to the senseless murder,
come before the Lord Jesus and askHim to intervene inour         rape, corruption and total disregard of human life in which
country. The farmer acknowledged how Our Father had              every man is a law unto himself.
sent rain when we had prayed for rain - in abundance. He
now was asking us to come together to pray for peace in          We are calling one million people to attend: from every
our country.He spoke in Afrikaans, then stopped, and said        race group, every denomination and every walk of life –
in English, “Uncle Angus, we are waiting for you. Say the        men, women and children. The entrance is free, no tickets
word and we will come”. The farmers’ clip went viral….           will be sold, and no collections will betaken at the event.

I was very challenged by his passionate plea and could           Our scripture for this event is found in James 5:16 (NKJV):
not shake it off.Early the next morning, while going for a run,  “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one
I felt the Holy Spirit speak two things into my heart:           another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent
                                                                 prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
1. “ It’s Time”
2. “One million people”                                          We firmly believe that if our Nation stands together as one,
                                                                 and calls upon the Name of Jesus Christ, He will hear us
I posted these two words on our social media sites. Within a     and heal our nation and bring peace to our hearts and
few hours, thousands upon thousands of positive responses        homes.
were made from all over the country.Our nation is in a very
troubled time and people are desperate for change. A
change only our Lord Jesus Christ can bring.

We are calling a National day of Prayer: ‘It’s Time’ on the
22nd April 2017, in the Bloemfontein area.

The farmers in the Bloemfontein area have offered us ap-
proximately 800ha of farm land, 4km outside the city cen-
tre. Why Bloemfontein? This is the centre, or the heart of the
nation. And we are asking God to change the heart of our
beloved nation, beginning with our own hearts.
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