Page 7 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 7

The problem was, the devil had missed the big picture. Be-         tainly make sense, considering the nature of their relation-
cause of his selfish, misguided quest, he failed to see that       ship. The Father and the Son are One. While on earth, Jesus
the very source of authority and dominion and the power            spent every day of His life demonstrating the true nature of
to sustain it, belongs to God alone. And without a heart that      His Father. He was the epitome of complete unselfishness.
is completely yielded and intimately connected to His ab-          He lived to serve and minister to the needs of all.
solute love and excellent nature, it can never be attained.
Only a counterfeit copy, a shadow of the reality can be            When Jesus obeyed His Father, by going through the waters
obtained. And that, at a very high cost. The cost of constant      of baptism, He received the full measure of His Father’s pres-
strife and struggle and fear of losing something you never         ence and power, through the Holy Spirit - the third Person of
really had to begin with.                                          the love trinity. Jesus, for our sake, showed us how to live
                                                                   guided by, and yielded to the Spirit of God on a daily basis.
That’s why in order for us to truly know the freedom of being      He demonstrated how to live completely dependent and
complete and fulfilled, has everything to do with finding our      reliant on the Spirit of truth. He never said or acted on His
identity in the One Who created us and redeemed us to be           own impulse or desire, but always, first sought what the will
His own. It’s in Him, not independent of Him, that we truly        of His Father was, and only acted on that. And as He did,
live, and move forward in this life and have our purpose           He touched this world with perfect love, compassion and
and being - which is our sense of belonging. (Acts 17:28).         peace. His absolute unity with His Father, through the Spirit,
                                                                   brought healing and freedom. Freedom for all who were
So, if we ask the question again, “Why should we surrender         oppressed with fear and poverty of soul. This intimacy was
all and completely sacrifice our own self-preservation,            for our sake, to show us how our relationship with God, can

to become one with our Creator?” The answer is, “Because           produce a full, fruitful and highly productive life. His being
He gave all for us.”                                               vitally connected to and completely dependent on His Fa-
                                                                   ther, through the Holy Spirit, caused Him to live on purpose.
By coming to earth, Christ gave up His authority and sover-
eignty, the very thing the devil so earnestly covets (Philippi-    Then the day came where He refused to elevate Himself in
ans 2:7). He laid it down, put it aside as less important than     any way, but as an obedient sacrifice of perfect love. He
His object of affection, mankind. You see, the devil believes      demonstrated a love that can never be equalled. The love
that Christ’s identity is His power and authority, His ability     the Father has for us. Jesus gave up EVERYTHING to show us
to reign and have dominion and be sovereign. When in               how real, and deep, and powerful His Father’s love is. And
actual fact, Christ’s true identity is in the love of His Father.  our Heavenly Father gave up His only Begotten Son. His Son,
He knew exactly Who He was, even without the trimmings             who loved Him completely and selflessly to the point of ab-
of power and authority. Jesus knew His Father loved Him,           solute trust and obedience, to become the sin of the world.
unconditionally and completely, and that was and always            Jesus didn’t just suffer death in the most cruel and horrific
will be the foundation for His reference of identity. Being        way, at the hand of mankind. He suffered the assault of the
secure, fulfilled and complete in His Father’s love is what        devil himself, and all the demonic hosts. What kind of love is
motivated and compelled Jesus to absolute obedience to             this? That the Son of God, would willingly give up His life for
His Father’s will. Because Jesus loved His Father so much          us? It’s the ultimate, perfect, unconditional love of our God.
and was so loved by His Father, He willingly did what He           It’s completely unselfish and sacrificial and that, dear read-
knew would bring His Father pleasure. For God so loved the         er is where it’s power lies. This kind of love is perfect and can
world, that His own Son, willingly gave Himself as a sacrifice.    and will, never fail. It will always triumph, even over death.
Jesus was so confident in the love of His Father, that the very
thing His Father loved, became His love too. That would cer-
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