Page 24 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 24

faith kids

             Dear God, Thank You that even when
             we are dirty, You are able to make us
             new again. You are able to wash away
              all the ugly parts of our lives. Thank
               You that You make us stain free. In

                       Jesus Name, Amen.



Do you have a favourite clothing outfit? Lyric loves wearing her yellow     remove any form of stain, no matter how bad. We were a bit suspicious
summer dress that Mom bought her for Christmas and my favourite             about the product, but Mom thought it was a good idea to give it a try.
thing to wear is my blue Superman T-shirt. When I first received it I wore  You’ll never guess what happened next? That’s right, my T-shirt was
it everywhere we went and everyone complimented me on how great it          completely stain free. I was so happy. I could finally wear my favourite
looked on me. I felt so proud of my T-shirt.                                T-shirt again, without being embarrassed of the ugly stain.

But one day something terrible happened. While we were eating I spilt       It made me realize that we are a lot like my T-shirt. We become stained
tomato sauce all over it. Mom quickly put it in the wash and tried her      and dirty because of our ugly sin. We try all sorts of different things to
best to clean it. Unfortunately, my T-shirt was never the same again. It    try and fix our problems ourselves, but nothing works. You see Jesus
had a big ugly stain all over it. We tried many different things to get it  is like that washing detergent. He is able to wash and cleanse even the
clean again, but nothing helped. Then one day while Mom and I were          ugliest stain in our lives, if we only allow Him to. He wants to wash us
watching television we saw a TV advert for a washing liquid that could      and make us like new again.
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