Page 23 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 23

change revolution



I’ve been teaching for a long time that too many churches        2. Check out this article,
and religious organizations are making a huge mistake by         azines/business2/boominbitesize/index.htm from a dec-
only posting full length sermons and teachings on either         ade ago. If it was true then, our attention spans are even
their website or podcasts. Certainly it’s fine (and a good       shorter now. If you doubt me, read the book “The Shallows”
idea) to archive your live stream, media programming, and        by Nicholas Carr.
other content in full online. However, when it comes to peo-
ple actually viewing it, it’s an “ergonomic” thing. People will  3. At a recent technology summit I attended in Hollywood,
obviously watch full length TV programs, live streams, and       the major digital players shared that they’re seeing a maxi-
movies on their mobile devices, but when it comes to your        mum viewing time of 7 minutes for a video. Any longer, and
short films and video presentations, people generally want       you start losing significant numbers of viewers.
their web content in smaller “chunks” so they can digest it
in reasonable bites.                                             Believe me – it’s worth it to have someone edit your longer
                                                                 content down into 5-7 minute segments. I suggest you do
For the most part, people view content on the web in short       both – a full length copy and an edited version and offer
spurts – even when it comes to entertainment. So here’s          your
how to think about your online content:

1. There are places where people will view the longer form       followers a choice. More people are likely to use the shorter
programming, so it’s good your full content is online. As I      clips, which makes your outreach far more effective.
mentioned, I will watch a movie from Netflix or Apple TV at
home, or other movies on a plane or in a hotel room. But
for the most part, I want much shorter pieces – particularly
when it comes to church or ministry content.
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