Page 22 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 22

change revolution



I once worked with a CEO that was obsessed with the most         Your job as a leader is to see the big picture, visualize the
mundane details at his company. He led a team of more            goal, and create a plan for getting there. If you spend your
than 4,000, and yet he actually supervised the writing of        days doing what others on your team could be doing, the
the payroll checks. He studied the company’s social me-          truth is, the company doesn’t really need you.
dia posts – not for their effectiveness – but he personally
wanted to deal with any critics of the company. He wanted        Step up. Raise your sights. Delegate the day to day, so you
to be in low level meetings that in my opinion were a total      can focus on the horizon. Today, organizations are looking
waste of his time.                                               for leaders with vision, not babysitters.

In his mind, he was focusing on important details. But in real-
ity, because he was poor at delegating, he spent his days
dealing with minutiae rather than pursuing a bigger vision.
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