Page 29 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 29




Easter is a period when we take time to contemplate the               simple place of worship by constructing a wattle and daub.
significance of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Christ.       This construction became known as the “Old Church’, and
The life, death and resurrection of Jesus is a story of both          it is said that it later became the Abbey’s Lady Chapel, the
sacrifice and inspiration. The way in which Christ lived his          remnants of which are still seen today. Among the various
life provides us with an example of what it means to live a           stories of the origins of the Glastonbury Abbey it is claimed
soulful and honest life, driven by love for follow man, con-          that Joseph founded the Abbey in the 1st Century.
nected to God and carrying out his will.
                                                                      Another legend linked with Joseph of Arimathea is that of
At the start of the year, when abroad in England visiting             the Glastonbury Holy Thorn Tree. The story goes that Joseph
family, I had the opportunity to visit Glastonbury. Tucked            returned to Glastonbury after Jesus’ death. Joseph had
away among the rolling hills of Somerset, this quaint Eng-            with him a staff that was taken from a hawthorn tree which
lish town emanates a serene energy of peace. One of the               in turn was grown from a thorn of Christ’s crown. When Jo-
highlights of this trip was visiting the Glastonbury Abbey.           seph arrived, he climbed Wearyall Hill where his placed his
                                                                      staff on the ground and rested. Legend dictates that the
The Glastonbury Abbey is a tranquil ruins site of England’s           staff then took root and spouted branches and leaves and
largest Abbey, where people are believed to have wor-                 became the Glastonbury Thorn Tree. This tree was thought
shipped for almost 2,000 years. The electric sense of history         unusual as it flowered twice a year – once as normal during
is palpable at this site. Intricate designs still clearly visible on  spring and once during winter. The thorn tree’s flowering in
the remnants of what must have been a majestical work of              winter was accounted as a miraculous occurrence.
architecture demonstrates the level of pride and effort put
into creating something in the name of God. The Abbey is              The story of the thorn tree stood out to me. Whether there
deemed the earliest Christian sanctuary in Britain.                   is any truth to it or not remains a mystery but it is a beauti-
                                                                      ful story of hope. It is always fascinating to discover magi-
Silence echoes in this place, adding to the prayerful es-             cal stories that are laced with subtle nuances of something
sences that the ruins emanate. This makes it easy to believe          powerful hidden behind the literal interpretation of that
that the Abbey is indeed a place where God dwells. A veil             story. It is somewhat reflective of our creativity as human
of history, myths and fascinating legends hangs over Glas-            beings as well as the fact that traces of our ideals such as
tonbury’s Abbey. According to archaeological discovers,               hope and inspiration often line the inner layers of the stories
Christianity is believed to have been present in the Somer-           we create.
set region since its earliest days (estimated around the 7th
century), and Glastonbury was an important pilgrimage                 Considering the fact that the thorn crown worn by Christ at
site. Its Abbey at its prime became the richest in the country        his crucifixion is symbol of suffering, the idea that a new life
and patron Saints Bridget, David, Patrick and Dunstan are             of a tree could have been created from it holds a message
all believed to have been linked to the place.                        of new beginnings beyond that suffering. Perhaps it is even
                                                                      a message of resurrection, just as Jesus himself was resur-
The most interesting stories tied to this site are those of Jo-       rected into a new life after his death. It is often difficult to
seph of Arimathea. According to biblical reference, Joseph            see the possibility of a positive outcome when in the midst
of Arimathea was the Mother Mary’s uncle. He gave up his              of difficulty. Let this be a reminder that God has given us
own prepared tomb to be used for Jesus’ burial after the              a human spirit with the ability to rise beyond suffering and
crucifixion. Legend says that Joseph of Arimathea travelled           find rebirth both in the physical world and spiritually eternity.
to Somerset together with a young boy Jesus and built a
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