Page 31 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 31


APR 2017         




THE BIBLE AND YOU      Columbine. Virginia Tech. Sandy Hook. They are three names that will forever
                       be associated with the same devastating phenomenon: kids killing kids.
                       Compared to other developed countries, rates of youth violence in the United
                       States are staggeringly high. In fact, homicide remains the second-leading
                       cause of death for Americans between 15 and 24.
                       This enlightening documentary seeks to explore the many ways in which
                       violence has infiltrated American culture. How is violence learned among
                       today’s youth? Why does it happen in the first place? And – most importantly
                       – how do we teach our kids that violence is not an option?

                                                                15 APRIL

NOTORIOUS TO GLORIOUS  It’s been revered by billions of people throughout the ages. It’s inspired peo-
                       ple to pursue justice, mercy, and love, while simultaneously being used to jus-
                       tify discrimination, slavery, and wars. It’s the most debated, most controversial,
                       and most treasured piece of literature – ever. It’s the Bible.

                       This documentary will examine the Bible’s influence, origins, reliability and
                       relevance in today’s society. Featuring renowned experts on the world’s best-
                       selling book of all time, this compelling documentary delves into questions
                       surrounding the origins of the biblical manuscripts: What was the process of
                       how the Bible came to be? How have the scriptures been interpreted through-
                       out history? And what is the Bible’s main message?

                                                                22 APRIL

                                                         If anyone was beyond rehabilitation, it was career criminal Michael Bull Rob-
                                                         erts. A violent, white supremacist, drug trafficking gang member, he was ruth-
                                                         less and unrepentant in his brutality. Physically and sexually assaulted as a
                                                         child, his struggles with addiction, mental illness, homelessness, violence and
                                                         crime were the foundation on which his hugely successful gang activities
                                                         were built. Every attempt at change was inevitably met with failure, until an
                                                         unexpected and dramatic encounter on a hotel room floor began a process
                                                         of transformation that is still underway. Now a passionate advocate of youth,
                                                         Michael dreams of opening the doors to the kind of centre that might have
                                                         changed his own life. As he pursues art as a cathartic avenue to freedom,
                                                         he desperately tries to reach kids embarking on the same destructive road
he travelled. This documentary will look at the beauty and challenge of re-building a broken life from the ashes of hatred
and violence. Shot in ultra-high definition 4K, using the revolutionary RED Camera, this story will peel back the layers to
investigate what it takes to go from Notorious to Glorious.


                       Inside Teen Suicide features six riveting personal stories told through raw, grip-
                       ping visuals, and looks at the root causes of teen suicide in our modern world.
                       Amidst the stories of despair and triumph, viewers are reminded that there
                       are options, there are ways out of the darkness, and there is hope.
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