Page 36 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 36


Win Win                                                           Win                                       Win
 1x 1x                                                             1x                                        1x

     FOR YOUR WEEK                       Derek Prince                Stephen Arterburn &                        Rachel Hauck
     John C. Maxwell                                                       John Shore
                                      SMS the keyword                                                           SMS the keyword
     SMS the keyword             “prince” followed by your              SMS the keyword                     “shop” followed by your
 “maxwell” followed by                                               “manual” followed by                    name and address to
your name and address              name and address to             your name and address
                                       32697 to enter.*                                                          32697 to enter.*
    to 32697 to enter.*                                                 to 32697 to enter.*

John C. Maxwell is nationally    There are universal spiritual    Welcome to the Best Years of              Two women separated by
recognized as the authority      laws that govern the success     a Man’s Life.                             decades. Both set out to help
who brings biblical princi-      of our lives, and Pride Ver-     Ignore the midlife jokes and              others find their dreams when
ples to leadership and per-      sus Humility explores one of     stereotypes and see the                   their own have crumbled.
sonal objectives. His insights   those vital laws that is often   “middle” years for what they              It’s the early 1930s, but Cora
have helped millions of peo-     overlooked: “For whoever ex-     really are: the absolute best             Scott is walking in stride as
ple make life-changing deci-     alts himself will be humbled,    phase of life thus far. You               a career woman after hav-
sions and unlock their poten-    and whoever humbles him-         might not sense it yet, but               ing inherited her great aunt’s
tial. In Leadership Promises     self will be exalted” (Matthew   all along your life, God has              wedding shop in Heart’s
for Your Week, he distils many   23:12 NIV). With candour and     been showing and teaching                 Bend, Tennessee, where
of his winning concepts and      biblical force, Derek Prince     you everything you need for               brides come from as far away
scriptural meditations into      confronts central issues con-    a great second half. Steve                as Birmingham to experience
a weekly devotional. Deliv-      cerning pride and humility.      Arterburn and John Shore                  her famed bridal treatment.
ered with his trademark style    As always, what he shares        will help you discover how                Meanwhile, Cora is counting
of confidence, clarity, and      is not only insightful but also  your past and present--and                down the days until her own
encouragement, Maxwell           immensely practical. Rang-       all that you’ve tried to be--is           true love returns from the riv-
addresses a host of vital top-   ing from the vital role of hu-   the exact raw material you                er to make her his bride. But
ics including success, team-     mility as we draw closer to      need to become the man                    days turn into months and
work, communication, con-        God, to the absolute neces-      you want to be.                           months to years. All the while,
flict resolution, stewardship,   sity for humility in any posi-                                             Birch Good continues to woo
and mentoring. Each week         tion of leadership, to the in-   Here are tools you and your               Cora and try to show her that
explores one facet of lead-      dispensable role of humility     small group need to accom-                while he is solid and depend-
ership in a format perfect for   in our relationships with oth-   pany the book Midlife Manu-               able, he can sweep her off
the busy leader. Each week       ers, the contents of this book   al for Men.                               her feet.
includes a promise that          can have a life–changing                                                   More than eighty years later,
God has made to leaders, a       impact on you as you learn                                                 former Air Force Captain
promise good leaders make        the hazards of pride and dis-                                              Haley Morgan has returned
to their teams, a quick lesson,  cover God’s perfect pattern                                                home to Heart’s Bend after
and a thought or activity to     for humility.                                                              finishing her commitment to
help carry you through the                                                                                  military service. After the dev-
week.                                                                                                       astating death of her best
                                                                                                            friend, Tammy, and discover-
* SMS cost R1.50 per entry. Competition opens on 1 April 2017 and closes 30 April 2017 and is open to       ing the truth about the man
SA Residents only.                                                                                          she loved, Haley is searching
                                                                                                            for her place in life.
COMPETITION RULES:                                                                                          When Haley decides to reo-
                                                                                                            pen the romantic but aban-
There is no limit to the amount of entries by any person. Each SMS received is automatically put into the   doned wedding shop where
draw which will take place on the first Friday of the new calendar month. No single person may receive      she and Tammy played and
a free giveaway in three consecutive months. No employees of the River Corporation or its affiliates are    dreamed as children, she
eligible to receive any of the prizes through the SMS line. The prize winners will be published in myFaith  begins a journey of courage,
Magazine and prizes will be posted free of charge. No correspondence will be entered into at all with       mystery, and love.
any of the entrants concerning the awarding of prizes.                                                      As Cora’s and Haley’s stories
                                                                                                            intertwine through time in
                                                                                                            the shadow of the beloved
                                                                                                            wedding shop, they both dis-
                                                                                                            cover the power of their own
                                                                                                            dreams and the magic of
                                                                                                            everyday love.
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