Page 38 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 38




                                                                 its creativity but lacks a theme ,I always disagree with al-
                                                                 bums that just have songs but not telling a story about hav-
                                                                 ing a start and a finish.

Most Gospel records are pretty much typical and predict-         For someone like Thuli Msomi who was born and raised in
able ,but I have got to admit Thuli Msomi on her album           Kwa-Thema,Springs and also lived in Duduza, Nigel she
,caught me slightly off guard and intrigued me quite a bit       went and did competitions ,while she sang in local choirs
with the diversity of the instrumentals and vocal variations     and singing in her church ,she is doing amazing things mu-
that are interesting in vocal terms.                             sically considering her background I mean she has a first
                                                                 album titled ‘His Grace’ though I have not heard I am pretty
‘Awesome Savior’ is a good Gospel album in terms of deal-        sure it’s nothing close to this ,diversity in music is not easy
ing with different types people and interests ,I mean I listen   to achieve so the fact she achieved this much with this is
to different types of music ,there a lot of genres out there     incredible and quite comforting for future endeavors.
,to incorporate multiple music genres into an album is ex-
ceptional.                                                       I do not know much about Thuli Msomi but from the back-
                                                                 ground check I did on her she is something to recognize
                                                                 and her team are people to applaud cause they too are
                                                                 talented people to not be mainstream and still continue to
                                                                 back up someone else take character. The fact this album
                                                                 has no particular theme ,the diversity of the music distracts
                                                                 you from criticizing it in that term but I still think to better the
                                                                 album she could have had a theme. Nathi Msomi plays a
                                                                 big role in this album as the overall seer of the project as the
                                                                 Producer he did well for Thuli Msomi.

Gospel is growing in its own sense since its always been         As a lover of music this album left an impression ,such
hold back from growth due to religion. The church is very        songs as ‘My Heart’ ,’I’m healed’ , ‘Majesty’ ,she definitely is
skeptical and judgmental when it comes to different types        a good writer a simple lyricist but good none the less. Songs
of music being incorporated with Jesus it causes havoc           like ‘Jesu Wamakatsa’ ,’Ngiyakholwa’ and ‘Hallelujah’ don’t
and can get you thrown out of ‘salvation’ in terms of Christi-   really interest me but I know people that prefer such songs
anity ,so it’s beautiful to see growth in the Kingdom musical-   so again she didn’t do bad.
ly. Thuli Msomi has Opera ,Rn’b ,Traditional ,Afro Jazz ,Sam-
ba instrumentals and sings accordingly to them though I          Compared to her genre she is definitely going the right
was slightly disappointed in the harmonics that there are        path and if she does more research on it ,I think she can
no choir backings rather than the typical back up vocalists      climb up to the top 10 in this country with the right backing.
,but some songs needed the old school choir feel to them.
                                                                 Overall I give the CD 6 out of 10 because there is no song
‘Awesome Savior’ starts off with the song ‘My Heart’ which       that is for radio ,no single at all ,I mean there is none that
confused and kind of tricked me in to thinking ‘Awesome          you would wanna see a video for ,so for that part and lack
Savior’ is another typical Gospel album ,but I have got to       of a theme ,but it gives her something to look forward to
give credit to the diversity in the album in the songs ,slight   next and grow from this ,but it is a good CD musically.
typical things that take place but it’s not a train smash ,ma-
jority of the album is good to listen to ,not the type of album
to make your favorite but one that deserves recognition for
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