Page 39 - MyFaith Mag April 2017
P. 39
Britt Nicole practical ways to guide your kids through any stumbling
Grammy-nominated song- blocks they might encounter and help them
stress Britt Nicole, known reach the appropriate landmarks. Along the way the au-
for her mega hit Gold, thors pinpoint the different ways boys and girls develop, so
has just released her 4th you can help your child flourish in his or her own way.
studio album. Since her Filled with decades of experience from three practicing
debut in 2007, Britt, known counselors, speakers, and writers, this book provides you
as the pop artist with a with valuable, current research and user-friendly, handson
message delivers high- practices to make supporting your kids’ soul development a
energy tracks, electronic seamless part of family life. Don’t just raise smart kids – raise
pop, catchy hooks and courageous, compassionate, resilient, empathetic kids too.
top 40 beats while sharing
her consistent message In-Lawfully Yours
of hope, on her self-titled album. She titled this record Britt In-Lawfully Yours is a romantic
Nicole because there is a part of her in every song, her hus- comedy about Jesse (30), a
band, kids, friends, her struggles and her faith. Listen out fun-loving New York City girl,
for ;Through Your Eyes; Be The Change & Pave. Britt Nicole is who, after her husband Chaz
now available in CUM Books and all other Christian Music cheats on and divorces her, still
stores throughout South Africa. You can also shop online at graciously helps her recently widowed mother-in-law, Naomi,
pack up her home in small-town
Chris Quilala - Bethel Cove. But Jesse’s candid
Split The Sky wit, eccentricquestions, and big
For the last decade, city ways clash with the local
Chris Quilala has been community. When Jesse butts heads with the town pastor,
a central part of Jesus Ben, who also happens to be her ex-husband’s brother-in-
Culture as one of the law, the unlikely duo discover what they are looking for:
founding worship lead- each other. But when Jesse and Ben make their relationship
ers. He is most well- public, Jesse’s ex-husband rallies the community against
known for songs such her and gets Ben fired from the church. Jesse leaves Bethel
as Your Love Never Cove to bring peace to Ben’s situation and to hopefully find
Fails and Fierce. On his a place where she truly belongs, in spite of the fact that she
first solo album, Chris can’t stop thinking of Ben.
musically explores
indie-pop side of his How do you pray when times get
musical tastes, while lyrically focusing on a contemplative tough?
expression of encountering God’s love. Quilala’s ventures When you’re stressed or de-
into a new realm of worship music influenced by retro pop, pressed? When life is overwhelm-
futuristic soundscapes and bi ing or disappointing? When you
g synth melodies. Split The Sky is now available in CUM feel like giving up? It’s in these
Books and all other Christian Music stores throughout South challenging times you need to
Africa. You can also shop online at pray with wild hope.
Are My Kids on Track? With encouraging stories and dy-
From birth to adulthood, our children’s namic prayers (each with its own
physical and intellectual development Bible verse), Jackie M. Johnson
is carefully tracked and charted. But shows you how to pray boldly
what about their hearts? After all, how and powerfully for focus, wisdom, confidence, courage,
our children develop grace, strength, meaning, and much more. Conveniently
emotionally, socially, and spiritually will arranged by topic so you can go directly to the chapter
determine who they become as hus- that addresses your particular situation, this book will be
bands and wives, fathers and mothers, your lifeline to peace and renewed joy no matter what life
friends and co-workers. Are My Kids on throws your way.
Track? helps you identify and measure
12 key emotional, soci
al, and spiritual milestones in your chil-
dren’s lives. Moreover, you will discover