Page 22 - MyFaith June 2016 - WEB
P. 22


                                                                                Dear Lord Jesus, thank You that no matter what,
                                                                                I can always be confident and secure in knowing that
                                                                                You are on my side. Thank You that when I am in trouble I can
                                                                                call upon Your name and You will save me. Help me to obey
                                                                                you and to put my trust in You. Help me to serve You and love
                                                                                You more and more each day. Help me be a witness to tell all
                                                                                my friends and family about You and how great You are,
                                                                                so that You can help them too when they are
                                                                                in trouble. Amen

                BY ESTHER SAUNDERS

Hello boys and girls, I trust you will have a fantastic and fun time during     sister to monitors and the doctor began to shine a light in her eyes. At
the school holidays. Jazz and I have really been enjoying school this year,     once her little sister woke up. Later that evening the doctor told her
we’ve been learning lots of new things and been challenged to work              mom that her sister would be fine. She would not have any permanent
harder and do more complicated tasks.                                           damage. She was whole. The doctor said it was a miracle because she
                                                                                was unconscious for so long. As they drove home from the hospital her
Sunday school has also become a little more demanding. We each get a            mom began to pray. “Thank You Lord that when I call upon Your name,
turn to say the opening and closing prayer as well as to remind the             You save! Thank you for saving my daughter’s life and for making her
class of the previous weeks memory verse.                                       whole”.

This week was my turn to remind the class of the memory verse.                  I thought about how much I love my brother and about how alone and
Thankfully it was easy because the verse and message really stuck in my         sad, I would feel if anything happened to him. I can only imagine how my
brain. The verse came from Romans 10:13, for “Everyone who calls on             teacher felt that day. My teacher taught us that nothing is too small or
the name of the Lord will be saved”.                                            unimportant to God that He would not notice when we are in trouble
                                                                                and in need of His help. She also taught us that nothing is too big or too
I remember the verse because of the story that our teacher told us. She         hard for God to solve. She said that as children of God living in a
told us that when she was a little girl, she was playing on the road with       world full of problems we may be confronted with many situations that
her little sister. They were about 12 and 10 years old. They were playing       make us feel sad, afraid and alone. But we do not need to ever lose
with the ball and she kicked it across the street. Her little sister ran after  hope. God is more than able to help us be on the winning side of every
it and did not see the oncoming car and she was knocked down. Her               problem. He will always save us His children. All we need to do is call
sister wasn’t moving or talking and she immediately ran inside to call her      upon His Name.
                                                                                I remember one day when we went to the beach and dad said Jazz and I
When they arrived at her sister’s side the driver of the car had already        could swim in the shallow waves. As we were splashing around a big
called an ambulance. He sat at her sister’s side in tears telling her mom       wave crashed over us and as it broke it pulled us deeper into the water.
how sorry he was and that he had not seen her in time. He said that he          We screamed for dad and within seconds he was in the water and he
feared she had bleeding in her brain because she was unconscious. Her           could carry us to safety. Like our own earthly dad came to our rescue, the
mommy immediately started praying. She says she remembers the                   bible teaches us that God is a loving father who cares for us and He has
words very clearly up until till this day. Her mom prayed “Jesus save my        all these awesome and great plans for our lives. I am convinced that God
daughter. I call on You to save her. I know you have the power to heal          would never hesitate to save us in our time of trouble.
her and make her whole again”. After that, she remembers her mom just
saying “Jesus Jesus Jesus”. When the ambulance arrived they put an oxy-         So next time you are in trouble or you feel overwhelmed with the
gen mask over her face and gave her some medication for pain and fluid          problems you are facing, call upon the Name of Jesus. I know that He
to keep her stable. As they drove in the ambulance her mom kept saying          will save you.
“Jesus Jesus Jesus”. When they arrived at the hospital they connected her

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